The 4th China-Malaysia Marine Cooperation Joint Committee Meeting

Co-chaired by Mr. LIN Shanqing, the Deputy Director General of the State Oceanic Administration (SOA) of China and Mr. Abu Bakar, the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) of Malaysia, the 4th China-Malaysia Marine Cooperation Joint Committee Meeting was convened on 15 December 2017 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Based on a review of outcomes from recent marine cooperation in science and technology, both sides believe that the deep-going marine cooperation between China and Malaysia, which lights up the relationship of the two countries, will also become a pacesetter for other mutually beneficial cooperation among countries in Southeast Asia. In addition to promoting the construction of FIO-UM Joint Center of Marine Science and Technology, China and Malaysia will continue the 11 existing cooperation projects and further collaborate with each other in marine observation, exploitation and utilization of biological resources, and marine spatial planning.
Dr. QIAO Fangli of our institute attended the workshop as one of Chinese delegates. This workshop agrees to locate the Joint Center, which will be hosted jointly by FIO and UM, in Bachok, Malaysia. Among the 11 existing cooperation projects, 3 are led by FIO experts.

Group Photo
Discussion between China and Malaysia Delegation
LIN Shanqing, the Deputy Director General of SOA makes remarks