The Flag Raising Ceremony on Xiangyanghong 01 in the Drake Passage to Welcome the New Year

The scientists and crew members of Xiangyanghong 01 attended the flag raising ceremony on board at 8 am local time (Chile daylight-saving time) on 1 January 2018, greeting all the Chinese people and welcoming the New Year. 

At the crack of dawn, the Captain and Leader of this voyage segment arranged the crew, who wore uniforms of red, blue, white and orange colors, into “2018” formation on the vessel deck. Playing the China National Anthem in the Drake Passage and raising the Five-Starred Red Flag above the Southern Hemisphere, people of Xiangyanghong 01 ignored the chilly wind and nippy weather, writing New Year wishes for motherland and families on balloons, and at the same time showing their expectations and determinations on the scientific investigation in Antarctic waters. The flag raising ceremony was hosted by YU Qijun, the Capitan of Xiangyanghong 01. LI Tiegang, the Director General of FIO and also the Leader of the segment, delivered the New Year Message and said the flag raising ceremony on board in the first day of 2018 demonstrated all crew members’ respect for their country and marine scientists’ patriotism. He made best wishes for the prosperous of China and success of the investigation, hoping the fruitful scientific outcomes could be the precious gift for the nation and people.

Leaving the Punta Arenas Port of Chile at 16 pm local time on 30 December 2017, Xiangyanghong 01 will conduct the integrated scientific marine investigation in Antarctic waters after crossing the Drake Passage, and is expected to return to the Punta Arenas Port on 12 February 2018. This segment of voyage lasts for 47 days and is the first scientific expedition to the Antarctic regions of Xiangyanghong 01 after its first around-the-world marine integrated research voyage began on 28 August 2017. During the Antarctic investigation, Xiangyanghong 01 will join Xuelong, China's ice breaker, in the country's 34th Antarctic mission.

“2018” Formation on the Deck