Scientists and Crew Members of FIO have Finished Their Work in the Atlantic Segment of China’s First Around-the-world Marine Integrated Scientific Research and Returned

On the first day of 2018, 35 scientists and crew members of FIO have finished their work in the second and third segment (the Atlantic segment) of China’s first around-the-world marine integrated scientific research voyage and returned to Qingdao. QIAO Fangli, the Secretary General of FIO, XU Xingyong, the Director of the Science and Technology Division of FIO, WU Yongting, the Secretary of the Vessel Management Center of FIO, staff from related departments of FIO and families of returned scientists and crew members met them in the airport with bouquets. On behalf of the leadership team and Party Committee of FIO, QIAO confirms the substantive outcomes they made, expresses gratitude for their efforts, and shakes hands with each of them.

In the second segment of the voyage, the research vessel departs from Capetown of South Africa on 8 October and returns to Capetown on 19 November after 32 days’ work in the Atlantic Ocean. In the third segment, the research vessel sets sail from Capetown on 22 November, working in the South Atlantic Ocean for 13 days, and goes to the Punta Arenas Port of Chile for replenishment on 10 December. Scientists and crew members of this voyage have made 35 multi-beam measuring lines with total length of 3357 kilometers; 46 dragging measuring lines by deep-sea camera with total length of 300 kilometers; taken more than 60,000 high-definition deep-sea photographs; conducted the electro hydraulic grab with underwater television camera in 62 stations; obtained samples of deep-sea core by drilling form 3 stations; and harvested more than 20 tons deep-sea geological samples, including a 3-ton block-shaped sulfide which is now the largest single sulfide block among China’s collections. Besides, they have conducted investigations on marine ecology, ocean circulation, marine chemistry and marine micro-plastics. The researching data, together with precious samples, will play a significant role in the study of the Atlantic Ocean on its rock structure, biological activities, hydrothermal event and the spatial distribution and evolution rules of its products.

QIAO Fangli, the Secretary General of FIO, presented SUN Yongfu,
the Leader of the Atlantic voyage and the Secretary of Committee for Discipline Inspection of FIO,
with a bouquet on his arrival.

Group Photo of Returned Scientists and Crew Members