Initiation of the Fifth Segment of China First Around-the-world Marine Integrated Scientific Research and the 46th China Ocean Expedition

With the successful completion of China’s 34th Antarctic Expedition in Atlantic Section and China First Around-the-world Marine Integrated Scientific Research in Antarctic Area, the Fifth Segment of China First Around-the-world Marine Integrated Scientific Research and the 46th China Ocean Expedition officially initiated from Punta Arenas Port on 17 February 2018 local time of Chile. Now how’s the navigational status of Xiangyanghong 01? What are the missions of this voyage segment? Let’s see the report of GAO Shang from Xiangyanghong 01.

 “Now is 9:00 in the morning and our location is 45°49’3’’S and 74°51’W. Xiangyanghong 01 is sailing on Chilean inland waters” said the reporter GAO Shang. “Affected by the stormy weather, the vessel starts to shake from 5:00 PM yesterday with a largest inclination angle of 15°until 5:00 AM this morning. Now the ship body is remain steady. As you can see behind me in the wheel house, the captain keeps close watch on the electronic chart to guarantee the safe journey of the vessel.”

Because during the Antarctic mission, Xiangyanghong 01 had met with the “Roaring Westerly Zone” already, in the evening of February 19, when Xiangyanghong 01 again met with the Westerly Zone in the unshaded waters of Chile, crews could deal with the 4-meter waves calmly.

YU Qijun, Captain of Xiangyanghong 01 announced that all the crew members should fix their personal belongs in rooms and public equipment, instruments and goods/materials. At the same time, he required that any problems during the frequent checking process should be reported in time.

As the vessel sails ahead, Xiangyanghong 01 will leave the Westerly Zone gradually and experience less and less extreme weathers. The vessel is expected to arrive at the Ancud pilot station on February 21 and goes to its first operating area afterwards. “We may arrive at the first station of our first operating area between March 1 and 2 according to the weather” said Captain YU.

This fifth voyage segment centers on the integrated investigation on environment, ecology and climate. For the lack of global expeditions in the Antarctic Ocean, this scientific research is of great significance.

Dr. SHI Xuefa, the chief scientist of this segment, said that the Southeast Pacific circulation and sediments are very distinctive while we don’t know much about them. The primary samples and data we acquire in this research will greatly help to know ocean environment globally.