Name: Qinzeng Xu

Marine Ecology Research Center
First Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources
No. 6 Xianxialing Road, Qingdao, P. R. China 266061


09/2010- 07/2013: University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Institute of Oceanology,Chinese Academy of Sciences). Doctor of Science (Marine Ecology).
09/2006-07/2009: The First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration.Master of Science (Marine Biology).
09/2002- 07/2006: Department of Oceanology, Yantai University. Agronomy of Science (Aquaculture)

Working Experience
08/2015- now: Marine Ecology Research Centre, First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration.
08/2013- 07/2015: Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Research Interests
1. Benthic community dynamics on multiple stresses.
2. Food web and organic flow in man-made ecosystem (artificial reef area) and seagrass meadow.
3. Ecology and biology research about brittle star

Research Projects
4. Impact of artificial reefs on the surrounding macrobenthic community Structure:01/2015- 12/2017.
5. The survival strategies of Ophiuroidea (Echinodermata) lived in the area of Yellow sea cold water masss (YSCWM): 01/2018- 12/2020.
6. The community structure of brittle star lived in the area of Yellow sea cold water masss (YSCWM): 01/2018- 12/2020.

1. Xu Qinzeng, Zhang Libin, Zhang Tao, Zhang Xuelei, Yang Hongsheng, Functional groupings and food web of an artificial reef used for sea cucumber aquaculture in northern China, Journal of Sea Research, 119: 1~7.
2. Xu Qinzeng, Xu Qiang, Zhang Xuelei, Peng Quancai, Yang Hongsheng. Fatty acid component in sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus from different tissues and habitats, Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 9(14):
3. Xu Qinzeng, Gao Fei, Xu Qiang, Yang Hongsheng. Analysis of fatty acid composition of the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus using a multivariate statistics approach, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 32(06):1314~1319.
4. Xu Qinzeng, Zhang Libin, Zhang Tao, Zhou Yi, Xia Sudong, Liu Hui, Yang Hongsheng. Effects of an artificial oyster shell reef on microbenthic communities in Rongcheng Bay, East China, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 32(1):
99~110 (5)
5. Xu Qinzeng, Zhang Libin, Zhang Xuelei, Zhou Yi, Yang Hongsheng, Release size and stocking density for grow-out of Apostichopus japonicus in the sea with raft-cultured macroalgae, Aquaculture International, 24(4):1141~1152.
6. Xu Qinzeng, Liu Bingjian, Zhou Yi. Does the eelgrass meadow influence the macrobenthic community structure in Swan Lake, Northern China? Marine Biodiversity, 2016(1): 1~8.
7. Sun Lina, Sun Jingchun, Xu Qinzeng, Hongsheng Yang (2017). Metabolic responses to intestine regeneration in sea cucumbers Apostichopus japonicus. Biochemistry and Physiology Part D Genomics and Proteomics.
8. Sun Lina, Xu Dongxue, Xu Qinzeng, Hongsheng Yang (2017). iTRAQ Reveals Proteomic Changes during intestine regeneration in the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D Genomics and
9. Xia Sudong, Liumei, Zhanglibin, M.M. Rahman, Xu Qinzeng, Sun Lina, Yang Hongsheng. (2017). Growth, immunity and ammonia excretion of albino and normal Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka) feeding with various experimental diets.
Aquaculture Nutrition. DOI: 10.1111/anu.12646
10. Bai, Yuchi., Zhang, Libin., Xia, Sudong., Liu, Shilin., Ru, Xiaoshang, Xu, Qinzeng. (2017). Effects of dietary ascorbic acid levels on the growth, energy budget, and immunological performance of green, white, and purple color morphs of the sea
cucumber, apostichopus japonicus. Animal Feed Science & Technology, 226, 1-11.
11. Zhang, Libin, Zhang Tao, Xu Qinzeng, Qiu Tianlong, H. Yang, S. Liu (2014). An artificial oyster‐shell reef for the culture and stock enhancement of sea cucumber,Apostichopus japonicus, in shallow seawater. Aquaculture Research.
DOI: 10.1111/are.12383.
12. Liu Hui, Xu Qiang, Xu Qinzeng, Zhang Yingqiu, Yang Hongsheng. 2014. The application of stereo-video technology for the assessment on population change of black rockfish Sebastes schlegeli in a vessel reef area in Haizhou Bay, China. Chinese
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology33(1):107-113.
13. Xia, Sudong, Yang Hongsheng, Li Yong, Liu Shilin, Xu Qinzeng, M. Rajkumar (2013). Effects of food processing method on digestibility and energy budget of Apostichopus japonicus. Aquaculture 384: 128-133.
14. Zhang Yingqiu, Xu Qiang, Alos, Josep, Liu, Hui, Xu Qinzeng, Yang Hongsheng,Short-Term Fidelity, Habitat Use and Vertical Movement Behavior of the Black Rockfish Sebastes schlegelii as Determined by Acoustic Telemetry,PLos One,
15. Bai Yucen, Zhang Libin, Xia, Sudong, Liu, Shilin, Ru, Xiaoshang, Xu, Qinzeng, Zhang, Tao,Yang Hongsheng,Effects of dietary protein levels on the growth, energy budget, and physiological and immunological performance of green, white and purple color morphs of sea cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus,Aquaculture,2016.1.1,450:375~382