Name: Chengjun Sun

Research Bldg. Room 427
First Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources
No. 6 Xianxialing Road, Qingdao, P. R. China 266061


01/1999-12/2001: Ph.D in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California. USA
08/1997-12/1998: M. A. in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California. USA
09/1994-06/1997: M. S. in Marine Chemistry, Ocean University of Qingdao, China (now China Ocean University).
09/1990-06/1994: B. S. in Marine Chemistry, Ocean University of Qingdao, China (now China Ocean University).

Working Experience
09/2011- present: The First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration,Qingdao, China. Senior Research Scientist, PI
04/2008-08/2011: Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA, USA. Senior Scientist (03/ 2009 to 08/2011) and Scientist (04/2008 to 02/2009)
01/2004-03/2008: University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA. Assistant Project Scientist (06/2007 – 03/2008), Principal post-doctoral researcher (01/2004 – 05/2007)
07/2005-01/2007: Sirigen Inc., Santa Barbara, CA, USA. Senior Biochemist 01/2002-12/2003: University of Georgia, Athens, GA. Post-Doctorate Researcher, (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)

Research Interests
Marine fouling, biomaterial, environmental protection, marine microplastics

Research Projects
1. NSFC project, #41776177, The characteristics of lipids in the mussel adhesives and their functional role in mussel adhesion. Period covered: 01/2018-12/2021. PI
2. National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) sub-project,#2015CB755904, The response mechanism of hydal bio-organisms to the cycling of key nutrients. Period covered: 01/2005-12/2019. PI
3. The National Natural Science Foundation of China-Shandong Joint Funded Project, #U1406402-5, Marine Bioproducts. Period covered: 06/2014-12/2016. Participant.
4. Qingdao Talents Project, #13-CX-20, Environmentally friendly marine antifouling techniques and materials. Period covered: 10/2014-10/2017. PI
5. The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of China project, Adhesion mechanism at the organic-inorganic interface. Period covered:01/2013-12/2013. PI
6. Taishan Scholar, Period covered 04/2012-04/2017. PI
7. NSFC young scholar project, #31100567. The adhesion mechanism at the mussel aductor-shell interface and biomimetic study, Period covered: 01/2012-12/2014. PI

1. Zhu JM, Shi Y, Zhu XQ, Yang Y, Jiang FH, Sun CJ, Zhao WH, Han XT. Optofluidic marine phosphate detection with enhanced absorption using a Fabry-Pérot resonator Lab onA Chip, 2017 17(23):4025-4030. doi: 10.1039/c7lc01016h. Nov 21
2. Mengkui Cui, Susu Ren, Shicao Wei, Chengjun Sun, and Chao Zhong. Natural and bio-inspired underwater adhesives: Current progress and new perspectives. APL Materials, 2017, 5, 116102,
3. Li-Na Lyu, Chengjun Sun, Hong Jin, Zong-Li Liu, Yun-Hong He, Liang-Min Yu,Haibing Ding, Gui-Peng Yang, Annual variation of low-molecular-weight organic acids in the surface seawater of the Jiaozhou Bay. Marine Chemistry, 2017, 194:43–54.
4. LI Jingxi, SUN Chengjun, ZHENG Li, JIANG Fenghua, WANG Shuai, ZHUANG Zhixia, WANG Xiaoru.. Determination of trace metals and analysis of arsenic species in tropical marine fishes from Spratly islands. Marine Pollution Bulletin.2017,122(2),464-469.
5. Wendan Chi, Li Zheng*, Changfei He, Bin Han, Minggang Zheng, Wei Gao, Chenjun Sun, Gefei Zhou, Quorum sensing of microalgae associated marine Ponticoccus sp. PD-2 and its algicidal function regulation, AMB Express, 2017, 7:59 (DOI:10.1186/s13568-017-0357-6)
6. Yunhong He, Chengjun Sun, Wenjuan Li, Gui-Peng Yang, Haibing Ding, Degradation of lipids in seasonal hypoxic seawater under different oxygen saturation. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2017. DOI:10.1007/s00343-018-7110-0
7. Lingyun Qu, Xinxin Tian, Chen Wang, Chengjun Sun & Junhui Chen. 2017. Salinovum rubellum gen.nov. sp. nov. isolated from sediment of jimo-daqiao salternin shandong province, china. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 67:1623-1628.
8. GAO Feng-lei, LI Jing-xi, SUN Cheng-jun*, JIANG Feng-hua, WANG Bing,HE Yun-hong,ZHENG Li, WANG Xiao-ru.Analysis on the Ability and Characteristics of Microplastics to Enrich Metal Lead. J. Instrumental Analysis, 2017, 36(8) :1018-1022. (in Chinese).
9. Meiling An, Yibin Wang, Fangming Liu, Xiaoqing Qi, Zhou Zheng, Naihao Ye,Chengjun Sun, Jinlai Miao *,Biomass, nutrient uptake and fatty acid composition of Chlamydomonas sp. ICE-L in response to different nitrogen sources. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. 2017, 36 (2) :105-110. DOI: 10.1007/s13131-017-0984-4.
10. Lei Pan, Junhui Chen*, Huihui Shen, Xiuping He, Guangjiu Li, Xincheng Song,Deshan Zhou, Chengjun Sun. Profiling of Extracellular Toxins Associated with Diarrhetic Shellfish Poison in Prorocentrum lima Culture Medium by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Mass Spectrometry. Toxins,2017, 9(10), 308; doi:10.3390/toxins9100308 (SCI,IF=3.03)
11. Junhui Chen*, Yanlong Wang, Lei Pan, Huihui Shen, Dan Fu, Boqiang Fu, Chengjun Sun and Li Zheng. Separation and purification of two minor typical diarrhetic shellfish poisoning toxins from harmful marine microalgae via combined liquid
chromatography with mass spectrometric detection. Journal of Separation Science,2017,40(14):2906-2913. (SCI,IF=2.56)
12. Junhui Chen*, Xin Li, Shuai Wang, Farong Chen, Wei Cao, Chengjun Sun, Li Zheng, Xiaoru Wang. Screening of lipophilic marine toxins in marine aquaculture environment using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Chemosphere, 2017,168:32-40. (SCI,IF=4.21)
13. Jingxi Li, Chengjun Sun, Li Zheng, Xiaofei Yin, Junhui Chen, Fenghua Jiang.Geochemical characteristics of Rare Earth Elements in the Surface Sediments from the Spratly Islands of China. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2017, 114(2), 1103-1109.
14. Yibin Wang, Fangming Liu, Xiufang Zhang, Aijun Zhang, Bin Wang, Zhou Zheng,Chengjun Sun, Jinlai Miao*. Composition and regulation of thylakoid membrane of Antarctic ice microalgae Chlamydomonas sp. ICE-L in response to low-temperature environment stress. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 2016, 1(6): 1-9. Doi:
15. Chengjun Sun, Fenghua Jiang, Jingxi Li, Li Zheng, The research progress in source,distribution, ecological and environmental effects of marine microplastics. Advances in Marine Science, 34(4):449-460. (in Chinese)
16. Yibin Wang, Fangming Liu, Xiufang Zhang, Aijun Zhang, Bin Wang, Zhou Zheng,Chengjun Sun, and Jinlai Miao*, 2016. Composition and regulation of thylakoid membrane of Antarctic ice microalgae Chlamydomonas sp. ICE-L in response to
low-temperature environment stress. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. DOI:
17. Li Jing-xi, Sun Cheng-jun, Zheng Li, Jiang Feng-hua, Yin Xiao-fei, Chen Jun-hui,Wang Xiao-ru. Determination of Lead Species in Algae by Capillary Electrophoresis—Inductively Coupled Plasma—Mass Spectrometry. Chinese Journal
of Analytical Chemistry. 2016, 44(11), 1659–1664. (SCI)
18. LI Jing-xi, ZHENG Li, SUN Cheng-jun*, YIN Xiao-fei, CHEN Jun-hui, HAN bin.Study on Ecological and Chemical Characteristics of Rare Earth Elements in Tropical Marine Organisms. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry.2016 ,44(10):
19. Peng Ju,Yanzhen Yu, Min Wang, Yun Zhao, Dun Zhang, Chengjun Sun* and Xiuxun Han*, 2016. Synthesis of EDTA-assisted CeVO4 nanorods as robust peroxidase mimics towards colorimetric detection of H2O2. J. Mater. Chem. B, 4: 6316--6325
20. Bing Wang, Peng Ju, Dun Zhang, Xiuxun Han*, Li Zheng, Xiaofei Yin, Chengjun Sun*, 2016. Colorimetric detection of H2O2 using flower-like Fe2(MoO4)3 microparticles as a peroxidase mimic. Microchim Acta, 183: 3025, DOI:10.1007/s00604-016-1955-8
21. Yaoyao Zhu* , Chengjun Sun*, Yingfei Song, Fenghua Jiang, Xiaofei Yin, Min Tang,Haibing Ding, 2016. The study of the adductor muscle-shell interface structure in three mollusc species. Acta. Oceanol. Sin. 35( 8): 57–64. DOI:10.1007/s13131-016-0878-x.
22. Chenlin Liu, Xiuliang Wang, Xingna Wang, Chengjun Sun, 2016. Acclimation of Antarctic Chlamydomonas to the sea-ice environment: a transcriptomic analysis. Extremophiles. 20:437-450. DOI 10.1007/s00792-016-0834-x.
23. Yanzhen Yu, Peng Ju, Dun Zhang, Xiuxun Han, Xiaofei Yin, Li Zheng, Chengjun Sun*, 2016. Peroxidase-like activity of FeVO4 nanobelts and its analytical application for optical detection of hydrogen peroxide.Sensors and Actuators B 233 : 162–172
24. Yan-Long Wang, Jun-Hui* Chen, Li-Yuan Gao, Shuai Wang, Xiao-Ling Zheng,Cheng-Jun Sun, Xiao-Ru Wang. Determination of Eight Typical Lipophilic Algae Toxins in Particles Suspended in Seawater by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography–Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2016, 44(3), 335–341. (SCI)
25. Junhui Chen, Liyuan Gao, Zhaoyong Li, Shuai Wang, Jingxi Li, Wei Cao, Chengjun Sun, Li Zheng , Xiaoru Wang. 2016. Simultaneous screening for lipophilic and hydrophilic toxins in marine harmful algae using a serially coupled reversed-phase and hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography separation system with high-resolution mass spectrometry. Analytica Chimica Acta 914:117-126.
26. Chengjun Sun, Fenghua Jiang, Wei Gao, Xiaoyun Li, Yanzhen Yu, Xiaofei Yin , Yong Wang, Haibing Ding. 2016. Scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry for quick detection of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria
in environmental water samples. Chin. J. Oceanol. Limnol. DOI:10.1007/s00343-016-5175-1
27. Yanlong Wang, Junhui Chen, Zhaoyong Li, Shuai Wang, Qian Shi, Wei Cao, Xiaoling Zheng, Chengjun Sun, Xiaoru Wang, Li Zheng, 2015. Determination of typical lipophilic marine toxins in marine sediments from three coastal bays of China using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry after accelerated solvent extraction. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 2015, 101:954-960. DOI:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2015.10.038
28. Jun Xia, Ling Wang, Jian-bo Zhu, Cheng-jun Sun, Ming-gang Zheng, Li Zheng,Ying-hua Lou, Lei Shi, 2015. Expression of Shewanella frigidimarina fatty acid metabolic genes in E. coli by CRISPR/cas9-coupled lambda Red recombineering.
Biotechnol Lett. doi:10.1007/s10529-015-1956-4.
29. Fenghua Jiang, Li Zhang, Baijuan Yang, Li Zheng, Chengjun Sun, 2015(11) Biomarker responses in the bivalve Chlamys farreri to the water-soluble fraction of crude oil. Chin. J. Oceanol. Limnol. 33(4):853-861.
30. Xiangxing Gao, Wei Gao, Zhisong Cui, Bin Han, Peihua Yang, Chengjun Sun, Li Zheng. 2015. Biodiversity and degradation potential of oil-degrading bacteria isolated from deep-sea sediments of South Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Mar. Pollut. Bull.97:373-380.
31. Qian Shi, Junhui Chen *, Yanlong Wang, Zhaoyong Li, Xianguo Li *, Chengjun Sun and Li Zheng 2015(11), Immobilization of Cyclooxygenase-2 on Silica Gel Microspheres: Optimization and Characterization. Molecules 20: 19971–19983;
32. Xiao Luan, Zhisong Cui, Wei Gao, Xiaolong Wen, Guangfei Xu, Qian Li, Chengjun Sun and Li Zheng, 2015. Genotoxicity evaluation based on luminescent bacteria Acinetobacter sp. RecA for seawater contaminated by Huangdao oil spill. Chin. J.Appl. Environ. Biol., 21(4):665-671. (in Chinese)
33. Yuyu Bu, Zhuoyuan Chen, Chengjun Sun, 2015. Highly efficient Z-Scheme Ag3PO4/Ag/WO3−x photocatalyst for its enhanced photocatalytic performance.Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 179:363–371.
34. Li Zheng, Zhisong Cui, Luyan Xu, Chengjun Sun, Ryan J. Powell, Russell T. Hill,2015. Draft Genome Sequence of Rhodobacteraceae Strain PD-2, an Algicidal Bacterium with a Quorum-Sensing System, Isolated from the Marine Microalga
Prorocentrum donghaiense. Genome Announcements 02/2015; 3(1):e01549-14.DOI:10.1128/genomeA.01549-14.
35. Xiaoyun Li, Guanhui Gao, Chengjun Sun*, Yaoyao Zhu, Lingyun Qu, Fenghua Jiang,and Haibing Ding. 2015. Preparation and antibacterial performance testing of Ag nanoparticlesembedded biological materials. Appl. Surf. Sci. 330: 237–244.
36. Yaoyao Zhu, Haibing Ding, Chengjun Sun*, 2014, The Research Progress on MusselAdhesive Proteins, Advances in Marine Science, 32:560-570. (in Chinese)
37. Guanhui Gao, Akshay Mathkar, Eric Perim Martins, Douglas S. Galvão, Duyang Gao,Pedro Alves da Silva Autreto, Chengjun Sun*, Lintao Cai*, Pulickel M. Ajayan*2014. Designing Nanoscaled Hybrids from Atomic Layered Boron Nitride with Silver Nanoparticles Deposition. J. Mater. Chem. A. 2:3148-3154.
38. Yingfei Song, Yao Lu, Haibing Ding, Huahua Lv, Guanhui Gao, and ChengJun Sun*.2013. Structural Characteristics at the Adductor Muscle and Shell Interface in Mussel. Applied Biochem. Biotech. 171(5):1203-1211.
39. Kari R. Strand, Sun, ChengJun., Ting Li., Frank E. Jr. Jenney, Gerti Schut, and Michael W. W. Adams, 2010. “Oxidative stress protection and the repair response to hydrogen peroxide in the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus and in related species” Arch. Microbiol. 192, 447-459.
40. Elisa Fasoli, Alessia Farinazzo, Cheng Jun Sun, Alexander V. Kravchuck, Luc Guerrier, Frederic Fortis, Egisto Boschetti, and Pier Giorgio Righetti, 2010. Interaction among proteins and peptide libraries in proteome analysis: pH involvement for a larger capture of species. J. Proteomics. 73:733-742.
41. Lei Li, ChengJun Sun, Steve Freeby, Dennis Yee, Sylvie Kieffer-Jaquinod, Luc Guerrier, Egisto Boschetti, and Lee Lomas. 2009. Protein Sample Treatment with Peptide Ligand Library: Coverage and Consistency. J. Proteomics and Bioinformatics.2:485-494.
42. ChengJun Sun, Aasheesh Srivastava, Jack R. Reifert, and J. Herbert Waite. 2009. Halogenated DOPA in a Marine Adhesive Protein. J. Adhesion, 85:126-138.
43. Ali Miserez, Todd Schneberk, ChengJun Sun, Frank W. Zok, and J. Herbert Waite. 2008. The transition from stiff to compliant materials in squid beaks. Science, 319:1816-1819.
44. ChengJun Sun, Brent Gaylord, Janice Hong Bin Liu, and Guillermo C. Bazan. 2007. Application of cationic conjugated polymers in microarrays using label-free dna targets. Nature Protocols, 2: 2148-2151.
45. ChengJun Sun, Georg E. Fantner, Jonathan Adams, Paul K. Hansma, and J. Herbert Waite. 2007. The role of calcium and magnesium in the concrete tubes of the sandcastle worm. J. Exp. Biol., 210: 1481-1488.
46. Qi Lin, Delphine Gourdon, ChengJun Sun, Niels Holten-Andersen, Travers Anderson, J. Herbert Waite, and Jacob N. Israelachvili. 2007. Adhesion mechanisms of the mussel foot proteins Mefp-1 and Mefp-3. PNAS, 104: 3782-3786.
47. Jason Sagert, ChengJun Sun, and J. Herbert Waite. 2006. Chemical subtleties of mussel and polychaete holdfasts. In Biological Adhesive, A. M. Smith, and J. A. Callow (eds.). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 125-143.
48. Hua Zhao*, ChengJun Sun*, Russell J. Stewart, and J. Herbert Waite. 2005. Cement proteins of the tube-building polychaete Phragmatopoma californica. J. Biol. Chem.,280: 42938-42944. (* contributed equally).
49. ChengJun Sun and J. Herbert Waite. 2005. Mapping chemical gradients within and along a fibrous structural tissue: mussel byssal threads. J. Biol. Chem., 280:39332-39336.
50. J. Herbert Waite, Niels Holten Andersen, Scott Jewhurst, ChengJun Sun. 2005.
Mussel adhesion: identifying tricks worth mimicking. J. Adhesion, 81: 297-317.
51. J. Herbert Waite, Eleonora Vaccaro, ChengJun Sun and Jared Lucas. 2003. Collagens with elastin- and silk-like domains. In Elastomeric Proteins, P. R. Shewry, A. S. Tatham, and A. J. Bailey (eds.). Cambridge University Press, The Royal Society, pp. 189-212.
52. Chengjun Sun, Jared, M. Lucas; and J. Herbert Waite. 2002. Collagen-binding matrix proteins from elastomeric extra-organismic byssal fibers. Biomacromolecules, 3: 1240-1248.
53. J. Herbert Waite, Eleonora Vaccaro and ChengJun Sun. 2002. Elastomeric gradients: a hedge against stress concentration in marine holdfasts? Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B Biol. Sci., 357: 143-53.
54. ChengJun Sun, Eleonora Vaccaro, and J. Herbert Waite. 2001. Oxidative stress and the mechanical properties of naturally occurring chimeric collagen-containing fibers. Biophys J., 81: 3590-3595.