Name: Xuefa Shi

Key Laboratory of Marine Geology and Geophysics
First Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources
No. 6 Xianxialing Road, Qingdao, P. R. China 266061


1989-1992: Ph.D. in Marine Geology, Institute of Oceanography, CAS
1986-1989: M.A. in Sedimentology, Changchun College of Geosciences, China
1982-1986: B.A. in Geology, Changchun College of Geosciences, China

Working Experience
Since 2014: Research Fellow, Director & Principal researcher of Key Laboratory of Marine Sedimentology and Environmental Geology (MASEG), First Institute of Oceanography, SOA; Director of the Laboratory for Marine Geology, Qingdao National
Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology,China
Since 2003: Research Fellow, Director & Principal researcher of Key Laboratory of Marine Sedimentology and Environmental Geology (MASEG), First Institute of Oceanography, SOA, China
2000-2002: Research Fellow, Head of Marine Geology Division, First Institute of Oceanography, SOA, China
1997-1999: Research Fellow, Marine Geology Division, First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administrations(SOA), China
1995-1997: Research Fellow, Division of Marine Geology & Geophysics, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
1994-1995: Associate Research Fellow, Division of Marine Geology & Geophysics,Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
1992-1994: Assistant Research Fellow, Division of Marine Geology & Geophysics,Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Research Interests
Marine Sedimentology and Paleoenvironment
Marine Mineral Deposits
Seafloor Petrology

Research Projects
•  Cenzoic Post-spreading volcanism in the South China Sea and its tectonic significance(2012-2016)
•  Marine Geological Process and Environment (2016-2020)
•  Paleoclimatic evolution in the Arctic and Subarctic oceans since the last glacial period(2014-2016)
•  Paleoenvironmental and Productivity Changes in the Okhotsk, Japan, and East China Seas since Late Pleistocene (2008~2011)
•  Research on vulnerability of mega riverine deltas in China and hazard evaluation technology(2008~2012)
•  Paleoenvironmental records in the key-section from mid- and high-latitude marginal seas of Northwestern Pacific (2005~2008)
•  Study of deep-sea ferromanganese ore-forming system (2006~2010)
•  Marine geological & geophysical surveys of the western Philippine Sea (2002~2007)
•  Marine geological & geophysical surveys in the South China Sea (2001~2006)
•  Luminescence Typomorphic characteristic and significances of sediments in the Yellow Sea(2000~2002)
•  Typomorphic characteristic and significances of clay minerals in the eastern Pacific Ocean(1998~2000)
•  China-Korea Joint Investigation Project: “Korea-China Joint Study of Sedimentary Dynamics and Paleoenvironments in the Yellow Sea” (1997~2000)

Publications since 2010
[1] Li Bing, Shi Xuefa*, Wang Jixin, Yan Quanshu,Liu Chenguang. Tectonic environments and local geologic controls of potential hydrothermal fields along the Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge (12–14°S). Journal of Marine Systems, 2018, 181:1-13
[2] Yao Zhengquan, Shi Xuefa*, Qiao Shuqing, Liu Qingsong, Kandasamy Selvaraj, Liu Jianxing,Liu Yanguang, Liu Jihua, Fang Xisheng, Gao Jingjing,Dou Yanguang. Persistent effects of theYellow River on the Chinese marginal seas began at least ~880 ka ago. Scientific Reports, 2017,7(1):2827
[3] Yao Zhengquan, Shi Xuefa*, Li Xiaoyan, Liu Yanguang, Liu Jian, Qiao Shuqing, Bai Yazhi,Wang Xin, Zhu Aimei,Wang Xuchen. Sedimentary environment and paleo-tidal evolution of the eastern Bohai Sea, China since the last glaciation.Quaternary International, 2017, 440, Part A:129-138
[4] Yan Quanshu*, Metcalfe Ian,Shi Xuefa*. U-Pb isotope geochronology and geochemistry of granites from Hainan Island (northern South China Sea margin): Constraints on late Paleozoic-Mesozoic tectonic evolution. Gondwana Research, 2017, 49:333-349
[5] Wang Kun-Shan, Shi Xue-Fa*, Zou Jian-Jun, Kandasamy Selvaraj, Gong Xun, Wu Yong-Hua,Yan Quan-Shu. Sediment provenance variations in the southern Okhotsk Sea over the last 180 ka: Evidence from light and heavy minerals. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology, 2017, 479:61-70
[6] Qiao Shuqing, Shi Xuefa*, Wang Guoqing, Zhou Lin, Hu Bangqi, Hu Limin, Yang Gang, Liu Yanguang, Yao Zhengquan,Liu Shengfa. Sediment accumulation and budget in the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea and East China Sea. Marine Geology, 2017,390:270-281
[7] Liu Shengfa, Mi Beibei, Fang Xisheng, Li Xiaoyan, Pan Hui-Juan, Chen Min-Te,Shi Xuefa*. A preliminary study of a sediment core drilled from the mud area on the inner shelf of the East China Sea: Implications for paleoclimatic changes during the fast transgression period
(13 ka B.P.–8 ka B.P.). Quaternary International, 2017, 441, Part A:35-50 [8] Li Jingrui, Liu Shengfa, Shi Xuefa*, Feng Xiuli, Fang Xisheng, Cao Peng, Sun Xingquan,Wenxing Ye, Khokiattiwong Somkiat,Kornkanitnan Narumol. Distributions of clay minerals in surface sediments of the middle Bay of Bengal: Source and transport pattern. Continental Shelf Research, 2017, 145:59-67
[9] Hu Limin*, Shi Xuefa*, Qiao Shuqing, Lin Tian, Li Yuanyuan, Bai Yazhi, Wu Bin, Liu Shengfa,Kornkanitnan Narumol,Khokiattiwong Somkiat. Sources and mass inventory of sedimentary polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Gulf of Thailand: Implications for pathways and energy structure in SE Asia. Science of The Total Environment, 2017, 575:982-995
[10] Dong L., Liu Y., Shi X.*, Polyak L., Huang Y., Fang X., Liu J., Zou J., Wang K., Sun F.,Wang X. Sedimentary record from the Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean: implications for late to middle Pleistocene glacial history. Clim. Past, 2017, 13(5):511-531
[11] 石学法*, 李兵, 鄢全树,叶俊. 西太平洋岛弧-弧后盆地热液活动及成矿作用. 吉林大学学报(地球科学版), 2016, (04):1124-1138
[12] 石学法*, 胡利民, 乔淑卿,白亚之. 中国东部陆架海沉积有机碳研究进展:来源、输运与埋藏.海洋科学进展, 2016, (03):313-327
[13] Xu Taoyu, Wang Guoqing, Shi Xuefa*, Wang Xin, Yao Zhengquan, Yang Gang, Fang Xisheng,Qiao Shuqing, Liu Shengfa, Wang Xuchen,Zhao Quanhong. Sequence stratigraphy of the subaqueous Changjiang (Yangtze River) delta since the Last Glacial Maximum. Sedimentary Geology, 2016, 331:132-147
[14] Tang Zheng, Shi Xuefa*, Zhang Xu, Chen Zhihua, Chen Min-Te, Wang Xiangqin, Wang Haozhuang, Liu Helin, Lohmann Gerrit, Li Peiying, Ge Shulan,Huang Yuanhui. Deglacial biogenic opal peaks revealing enhanced Southern Ocean upwelling during the last 513 ka. Quaternary International, 2016, 425:445-452
[15] Shi Xuefa, Yao Zhengquan, Liu Qingsong, Larrasoaña Juan Cruz, Bai Yazhi, Liu Yanguang, Liu Jihua, Cao Peng, Li Xiaoyan, Qiao Shuqing, Wang Kunshan, Fang Xisheng,Xu Taoyu. Sedimentary architecture of the Bohai Sea China over the last 1 Ma and implications for sea-level changes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2016, 451:10-21
[16] Liu Shengfa, Shi Xuefa*, Yang Gang, Khokiattiwong Somkiat,Kornkanitnan Narumol. Concentration distribution and assessment of heavy metals in the surface sediments of the western Gulf of Thailand. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75(4):346
[17] Liu Shengfa, Shi Xuefa*, Yang Gang, Khokiattiwong Somkiat,Kornkanitnan Narumol. Distribution of major and trace elements in surface sediments of the western Gulf of Thailand: Implications to modern sedimentation. Continental Shelf Research, 2016, 117:81-91
[18] Li Ziye, Shi Xuefa*, Chen Min-Te*, Wang Houjie, Liu Shengfa, Xu Jian, Long Haiyan, Troa Rainer Arief, Zuraida Rina,Triarso Eko. Late Quaternary fingerprints of precession and sea level
variation over the past 35 kyr as revealed by sea surface temperature and upwelling records from the Indian Ocean near southernmost Sumatra. Quaternary International, 2016, 425:282-291
[19] Li Bing*, Shi Xuefa*, Li Chuanshun, Wang Jixin, Pei Yanliang,Ye Jun. Lead, Sulfur, and Oxygen Isotope Systematics in Hydrothermal Precipitates from the 14°S Hydrothermal Field, South
Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Resource Geology, 2016, 66(3):274-285
[20] Hu Limin*, Shi Xuefa*, Bai Yazhi, Qiao Shuqing, Li Li, Yu Yonggui, Yang Gang, Ma Deyi,Guo Zhigang. Recent organic carbon sequestration in the shelf sediments of the Bohai Sea and Yellow
Sea, China. Journal of Marine Systems, 2016, 155:50-58
[21] Hu Limin*, Shi Xuefa*, Bai Yazhi, Fang Yin, Chen Yingjun, Qiao Shuqing, Liu Shengfa, Yang Gang, Kornkanitnan Narumol,Khokiattiwong Somkiat. Distribution, input pathway and mass
inventory of black carbon in sediments of the Gulf of Thailand, SE Asia. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2016, 170:10-19
[22] 石学法*, 刘升发, 乔淑卿, 姚政权,刘焱光. 中国东部近海沉积物地球化学:分布特征、控制因素与古气候记录. 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 2015, (05):885-894+883
[23] Yan Quanshu, Castillo Paterno, Shi Xuefa*, Wang Liaoliang, Liao Lin,Ren Jiangbo. Geochemistry and petrogenesis of volcanic rocks from Daimao Seamount (South China Sea) and their tectonic implications. Lithos, 2015, 218–219:117-126
[24] Wang Xin, Shi Xuefa*, Wang Guoqing, Qiao Shuqing, Wang Kunshan, Yao Zhengquan,Wang Xuchen. Late Quaternary sedimentary environmental evolution offshore of the Hangzhou Bay,
East China—implications for sea level change and formation of Changjiang alongshore current. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2015:1-16
[25] Shi Xuefa*, Liu Shengfa, Fang Xisheng, Qiao Shuqing, Khokiattiwong Somkiat,Kornkanitnan Narumol. Distribution of clay minerals in surface sediments of the western Gulf of Thailand:
Sources and transport patterns. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2015, 105:390-398
[26] Li Xiaoyan, Jian Zhimin, Shi Xuefa*, Liu Shengfa, Chen Zhengbo, Wu Yonghua,Shi Fengdeng. A Holocene record of millennial-scale climate changes in the mud area on the inner shelf of the East
China Sea. Quaternary International, 2015, 384:22-27
[27] Cao Peng, Shi Xuefa*, Li Weiran, Liu Shengfa, Yao Zhengquan, Hu Limin, Khokiattiwong Somkiat,Kornkanitnan Narumol. Sedimentary responses to the Indian Summer Monsoon variations recorded in the southeastern Andaman Sea slope since 26 ka. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2015, 114, Part 3:512-525
[28] Yao Zhengquan, Shi Xuefa*, Liu Qingsong, Liu Yanguang, Larrasoaña Juan Cruz, Liu Jianxing, Ge Shulan, Wang Kunshan, Qiao Shuqing, Li Xiaoyan, Shi Fengdeng, Fang Xisheng, Yu
Yonggui, Yang Gang,Duan Zongqi. Paleomagnetic and astronomical dating of sediment core BH08 from the Bohai Sea, China: Implications for glacial–interglacial sedimentation.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2014, 393(0):90-101
[29] Yan Quanshu, Shi Xuefa*,Castillo Paterno R. The late Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the South China Sea: A petrologic perspective. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2014,85:178-201
[30] Yan Quanshu,Shi Xuefa*. Geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Cretaceous A-type granites in the Laoshan granitic complex, eastern China. Island Arc, 2014, 23(3):221-235
[31] Yan Quanshu*,Shi Xuefa. Petrologic perspectives on tectonic evolution of a nascent basin (Okinawa Trough) behind Ryukyu Arc: A review. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2014, 33(4):1-12
[32] Liu Shengfa, Shi Xuefa*, Fang Xisheng, Dou Yanguang, Liu Yanguang,Wang Xuchen. Spatial and temporal distributions of clay minerals in mud deposits on the inner shelf of the East China Sea: Implications for paleoenvironmental changes in the Holocene. Quaternary International, 2014, 349(0):270-279
[33] Liu Jianxing, Shi Xuefa*, Liu Qingsong*, Ge Shulan, Liu Yanguang, Yao Zhengquan, Zhao Quanhong, Jin Chunsheng, Jiang Zhaoxia, Liu Shengfa, Qiao Shuqing, Li Xiaoyan, Li Chuanshun,Wang Chunjuan. Magnetostratigraphy of a greigite-bearing core from the South Yellow Sea: Implications for remagnetization and sedimentation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2014, 119(10):2014JB011206
[34] Li Bing, Shi Xuefa*, Yang Yaomin, Ye Jun, Gao Jingjing,Zheng Wenqin. Geochemistry of mafic rocks and melt inclusions and their implications for the heat source of the 14.0°S hydrothermal
field, South Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 2014, 33(4):325-335
[35] 石学法*,鄢全树. 西太平洋典型边缘海盆的岩浆活动. 地球科学进展, 2013, 28(7):737-750
[36] Yan Quanshu, Shi Xuefa*, Li Naisheng, Gao Jingjing,Su Tianyun. Preliminary K-Ar geochronology of lavas from southern Lau Basin. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2013, 32(2):18-23
[37] Xu Taoyu, Shi Xuefa*, Wang Guoqing, Qiao Shuqing, Yang Gang, Liu Shengfa, Wang Xuchen,Zhao Quanhong. Sedimentary facies of the subaqueous Changjiang River delta since the late Pleistocene. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2013, 31(5):1107-1119
[38] Qiao Shuqing, Shi Xuefa*, Gao Jingjing, Liu Yanguang, Yang Gang, Zhu Aimei,Wang Kunshan. The distribution and variation of elements in sediments off the Huanghe (Yellow) River mouth.
Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2013, 31(4):876-885
[39] Hu Ning-Jing, Huang Peng, Liu Ji-Hua, Shi Xue-Fa*, Ma De-Yi,Liu Ying. Source apportionment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface sediments of the Bohai Sea, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2013, 20(2):1031-1040
[40] Zou Jianjun, Shi Xuefa*, Liu Yanguang, Liu Jihua, Selvaraj Kandasamy,Kao Shuh-Ji. Reconstruction of environmental changes using a multi-proxy approach in the Ulleung Basin (Sea of Japan) over the last 48 ka. Journal of Quaternary Science, 2012, 27(9):891-900
[41] Ye Jun, Shi Xuefa*, Yang Yaomin, Li Naisheng, Liu Jihua,Su Wenchao. The occurrence of gold in hydrothermal sulfide at Southwest Indian Ridge 49.6 degrees E. Acta Oceanologica Sinica,2012, 31(6):72-82
[42] Yan Quanshu, Castillo Paterno R.,Shi Xuefa*. Geochemistry of basaltic lavas from the southern Lau Basin: input of compositionally variable subduction components. International Geology Review, 2012, 54(12):1456-1474
[43] Shi Xuefa*, Liu Yanguang, Chen Zhihua, Wei Jianwei, Ge Shulan, Wang Kunshan, Wang Guoqing, Yang Shouye, Qiao Shuqing, Cai Deling, Cheng Zhenbo, Bu Wenrui,Yi Hi-Ii, Origin, Transport Processes and Distribution Pattern of Modern Sediments in the Yellow Sea, in Sediments, Morphology and Sedimentary Processes on Continental ShelvesJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd), 2012, 321-349.
[44] Ge ShuLan, Shi XueFa*, Liu YanGuang, Wang KunShan, Zou JianJun, Diao JingYu, Zhu ZhiWei,Wang ChunJuan. Turbidite and bottom-current evolution revealed by anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility of redox sediments in the Ulleung Basin, Sea of Japan. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2012, 57(6):660-672
[45] 石学法*, 邹建军,王昆山. 鄂霍次克海晚第四纪以来古环境演化. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2011, 31(6):1-12
[46] 石学法*,鄢全树. 南海新生代岩浆活动的地球化学特征及其构造意义. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2011, 31(2):59-72
[47] Yan Quanshu, Shi Xuefa*,Li Naisheng. Oxygen and lead isotope characteristics of granitic rocks from the Nansha block (South China Sea): Implications for their petrogenesis and tectonic affinity.
Island Arc, 2011, 20(2):150-159
[48] Yan Quanshu,Shi Xuefa*. Geological comparative studies of Japan arc system and Kyushu-Palau arc. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2011, 30(4):107-121
[49] Qiao Shuqing, Shi Xuefa*, Saito Yoshiki, Li Xiaoyan, Yu Yonggui, Bai Yazhi, Liu Yanguang, Wang Kunshan,Yang Gang. Sedimentary records of natural and artificial Huanghe (Yellow River) channel shifts during the Holocene in the southern Bohai Sea. Continental Shelf Research, 2011,31(13):1336-1342
[50] Liu Shengfa, Shi Xuefa*, Liu Yanguang, Wu Yonghua,Yang Gang. Environmental record from the mud area on the inner continental shelf of the East China Sea since the mid-Holocene. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2011, 30(4):43-52
[51] Hu Ning Jing*, Shi Xue Fa, Huang Peng,Liu Ji Hua. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface sediments of Laizhou Bay, Bohai Sea, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2011,63(1):121-133
[52] Hu Ningjing, Shi Xuefa*, Huang Peng, Mao Jian, Liu Jihua, Liu Ying,Ma Deyi. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in surface sediments of Liaodong Bay, Bohai Sea, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2011, 18(2):163-172
[53] 石学法*, 刘升发, 乔淑卿, 刘焱光, 方习生, 吴永华,朱志伟. 东海闽浙沿岸泥质区沉积特征与古环境记录. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2010, 30(4):19-30
[54] Liu ShengFa, Shi XueFa*, Liu YanGuang, Qiao ShuQing, Yang Gang, Fang XiSheng, Wu YongHua, Li ChaoXin, Li XiaoYan, Zhu AiMei,Gao JingJing. Records of the East Asian winter monsoon from the mud area on the inner shelf of the East China Sea since the mid-Holocene. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010, 55(21):2306-2314
[55] Hu Ningjing, Shi Xuefa*, Liu Jihua, Huang Peng, Liu Yanguang,Liu Ying. Concentrations and possible sources of PAHs in sediments from Bohai Bay and adjacent shelf. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2010, 60(8):1771-1782