Name: Yanguang Liu

Laboratory of Marine Geology and Geophysics
First Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources
No. 6 Xianxialing Road, Qingdao, P. R. China 266061


09/1991-07/1995: Xi’an Geology College, 1995, Hydrogeology and engineering geology, Bachelor degree.
09/1997-06/2000: First Institute of Oceanography, SOA, 2000, Environmental Science, Master degree. Thesis topic: Palaeoenvironmental evolution of the central Okinawa Trough since 120 ka BP
09/2000-06/2005: Ocean University of China, 2005, Paleoceanography/Marine geology, Ph.D.
Thesis topic: Estimation of the provenance and flux of the sediments in the Okinawa Trough using
quantitative analysis since late 40 ka

Working Experience
07/1995-09/1997: Qingdao institute for Geo-engineering Survey
07/2000-present: First Institute of Oceanography, SOA

Research Interests
Muilti-proxies reconstruction of stratigraphy and paleoceanograpy in the northwestern Pacific
marginal seas (the East China Sea, Sea of Japan, Okhotsk Sea and Bering Sea) and the Amerasian
basin of Arctic Ocean.

Research Projects
1. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Program: Studies on paleoclimatic records of the Japan Sea and Xingkai lake since the last glaciation (No. 41076038, 480,000 ¥,2011/01 - 2013/12)
2. Chinese Polar Environment Comprehensive Investigation & Assessment Programmes: Marine geology survey in the Arctic Ocean (NO. CHINARE 03-02, 9,420,000 ¥, 2012/01 – 2017/12)

(1) Linsen Dong, Yanguang Liu, Xuefa Shi, Leonid Polyak, Yuanhui Huang, Xisheng Fang,Jianxing Liu, Jianjun Zou, Kunshan Wang, Fuqiang Sun, Xuchen Wang, Sedimentary record from the Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean: implications for late to middle Pleistocene glacial history,Climate of the Past, 2017, 13: 511-531
(2) Jinxia Chen, Yanguang Liu*, Xuefa Shi, Bong-Chool Suk, Jianjun Zou, Zhengquan Yao,Climate and environmental changes for the past 44 ka clarified by pollen and algae composition in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea (Japan Sea), Quaternary International, 2017, 441: 162-173
(3) Yanguang Liu, Jiaojie Chen, Jinxia Chen, Lei Xing, Jianjun Zou, Zhengquan Yao. Variations of alkenone temperature in the Sea of Japan during the last 170 ka and its paleoceanographic implications. Chinese science bulletin, 2014, 59(33): 4498–4509
(4) Zhengquan Yao, Yanguang Liu*, Xuefa Shi, Bong-chool Suk, Paleoenviron -mental changes in the East/Japan Sea during the last 48 ka: indications from high-resolution X-ray fluorescence core scanning, Journal of Quaternary Science, 2012, 27(9): 932–940
(5) Michele Rebesco, Yanguang Liu, Angelo Camerlenghi, Monica Winsborrow, Jan Sverre Laberg, Andrea Caburlotto, Paolo Diviacco, Daniela Accettella, Chiara Sauli, Nigel Wardell,Isabella Tomini, Deglaciation of the western margin of the Barents Sea Ice Sheet - A swath bathymetric and sub-bottom seismic study from the Kveithola Trough. Marine Geology, 2011, 279: 141-147.
(6) Yanguang Liu, Longbin Sha, Shi Xuefa, Bong-Chool Suk, Chaoxin Li, Kunshan Wang,Xiaoyan Li, Depositional environment in the southern Ulleung Basin, East Sea (Sea of Japan),during the last 48,000 years, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2010, 29(5): 52-64
(7) 陈漪馨, 刘焱光*, 姚政权, 董林森, 李朝新, 末次盛冰期以来挪威海北部陆源物质输入对气候变化的响应, 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2015, 35(3): 95~108
(8) 陈皎杰, 刘焱光*, 葛淑兰, 刘建兴, 李朝新, 石学法, 末次盛冰期以来兴凯湖的古环境演变_基于地磁场长期变化的年龄框架, 第四纪研究, 2014, 34(3): 528~539.
(9) Xing L., Zhang R.P., Liu Y.G., et al. 2011. Biomarker records of phytoplankton productivity and community structure changes in the Japan Sea over the last 166 kyr. Quaternary Science Reviews, 30: 2666-2675
(10) Zou, J.J., Shi, X.F., Liu, Y.G., et al. 2012. Reconstruction of environmental changes using a multi-proxy approach in the Ulleung Basin (Sea of Japan) over the last 48 ka. Journal of Quaternary Science, 27, 9: 891–900.
(11) Ge, S.L., Shi, X.F., Liu, Y.G., Wang, K.S., et al. 2012. Turbidite and bottom-current evolution revealed by anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility of redox sediments in the Ulleung Basin, Sea of Japan. Chinese Science Bulletin 57, 660-672.
(12) Shi X.F., Wu Y.H., Zou J.J., Liu Y.G., et al. 2014 Multiproxy reconstruction for Kuroshio response to northern hemispheric oceanic climate and the Asian Monsoon since Marine Isotope stage 5.1 (~88 ka). Climate of the Past, 10: 1735-1750.