Name:  Zhihua Chen


Address: Marine Geology & Geophysics Division
First Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources
No. 6 Xianxialing Road, Qingdao, P. R. China 266061





09/1990-07/1994: Bachelor of Science in General Geology, Department of Geology, China University of Geosciences at Wuhan

09/1994-07/1997: Master of Science in Marine Geology, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

09/1999-07/2004: PhD in Marine Geology at College of Earth Sciences, Ocean University of China.

08/2000-08/2001: Visiting study, Korea Ocean and Development Institute (KORDI)

07/2017-07/2018: Visiting study, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research


Working Experience

07/1997-07/1998: Research probationer, First Institute of Oceanography, SOA

07/1998-08/2000: Assistant Research Fellow, First Institute of Oceanography, SOA

08/2000-8/2001: Korea Ocean and Development Institute (KORDI)

08/2001-2/2002: Assistant Research Fellow, First Institute of Oceanography, SOA

12/2002-12/2007: Associate Researcher (Associate Professor), First Institute of Oceanography, SOA

12/2007-07/2017: Researcher (Professor), First Institute of Oceanography (SOA), Key Laboratory of Marine Sedimentology & Environmental Geology (SOA), Laboratory for Marine Geology, Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology

07/2017-07/2018: Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI)

07/2018-present: Researcher (Professor), First Institute of Oceanography (SOA), Key Laboratory of Marine Sedimentology & Environmental Geology (SOA), Laboratory for Marine Geology, Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology


Research Interests 

Marine sedimentology and geochemistry, sediment provenance;

Paleoceanography, paleoclimate, past Antarctic ice sheet dynamics and ice-ocean interactions.


Research Projects 

1.Chinese Arctic and Antarctic Administration: The response and feedback of the Southern Ocean to climate change (RFSOCC2020-2025). Period covered: 01/2020-12/2025.

2.National Science Foundation of China (NSFC): Glacial-interglacial records of ice-ocean interaction in the northern Prydz Bay during Quaternary. Period covered: 01/2017-12/2020. 

3.China Antarctic and Arctic Environmental Investigation & Assessment Programs: Marine geological investigation around Antarctica (Second stage). Period covered: 01/2018-12/2020

4.China Antarctic and Arctic Environmental Investigation & Assessment Programs: Marine geological investigation around Antarctica (First stage). Period covered: 01/2012-12/2017

5.China Antarctic and Arctic Environmental Investigation & Assessment Programs: Seabed environment assessment around Antarctica. Period covered: 01/2012-12/2017

6.National Science Foundation of China (NSFC): Neodymium and lead isotopic tracers of the flux variations in the Bering Strait inflows in the western Arctic Ocean during Late Quaternary. Period covered: 01/2011-12/2013. 



1.SOA Polar Special Program Office (Chen Z., Wang R., Li Y., et al., edited), 2016. China Antarctic and Arctic Environmental Investigation & Assessment Programs: Report of marine geological investigation of the Antarctic Ocean. Ocean Press, Beijing, China (monograph).

2.Yu H., Chen Z., Feng A., et al., 2014. Chinese Island, Guangxi volume. Ocean Press, Beijing, China (monograph).

3.Yang C., Chen Z., Xiao W., et al., 2021. Paleoproductivity and its environmental constraints in the Scotia Sea, Antarctica since 34 ka BP. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 43(3), 116–125. doi:10.12284/hyxb2021051 (in Chinese)

4.Wu, L., Wilson, D. J., Wang, R., Yin, X., Chen, Z., Xiao, W., & Huang, M., 2020. Evaluating Zr/Rb ratio from XRF scanning as an indicator of Grain-Size variations of glaciomarine sediments in the Southern Ocean. Geochem Geophys Geosyst, 21, e2020GC009350.

5.Ju M., Chen Z., Zhao R., et al., 2019. Late Quaternary cyclic variations of ice sheet and paleoproductivity in the Amundsen Sea sector, Antarctica. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 41(9), 40–51. doi:10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2019.09.004 (in Chinese)

6.Wu, L., Wang, R., Krijgsman, W., Chen, Z., Xiao, W., Ge, S., & Wu, J., 2019. Deciphering color reflectance data of a 520‐kyr sediment core from the Southern Ocean: Method application and paleoenvironmental implications. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 20. 2019GC008212

7.Wu L., Wang R., Xiao W., Ge S., Chen Z., Krijgsman W., 2017. Productivity-climate coupling recorded in Pleistocene sediments off Prydz Bay (East Antarctica). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 485: 260-270.

8.Yan Q., Chen Z., and Shi X., 2017. A Middle Triassic Extensional Event in the Hainan Island: Geochronologic and Geochemical Evidence from Igneous Rocks from Dazhou Island. Geochemistry International, 55(12): 1066-1078.

9.Zhao R., Chen Z., Liu H., Tang Z., Li Y., Wang H., Huang Y., 2017. Sedimentary record and paleoceanographic implications of the core on the continental shelf of the Ross Sea since 15 ka. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 39(5): 78-88. (in Chinese)

10.Tang Z., Shi X., Zhang X., Chen Z., Chen M.-T., Wang X., Wang H., Liu H., Lohmann G., Li P., Ge S. and Huang Y., 2016. Deglacial biogenic opal peaks revealing enhanced Southern Ocean upwelling during the last 513 ka. Quaternary International, 425, 445-452.

11.Wang H., Chen Z., Wang K., Liu H., Tang Z. and Huang Y., 2016. Characteristics of surface sediments in Prydz Bay, East Antarctic: Implications to sediment provenance. Antarctic Science, 28(2):103-114.

12.Liu Y., Jin B., Chen Z., Wang K., 2016. Characteristics and provenance of main detrital minerals in the Prydz Bay, Antarctic. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 38(5): 96-107. (in Chinese)

13.Chen Z., Huang Y., Tang Z., et al., 2015. Rare earth elements in the offshore surface sediments of the northeastern Antarctic Peninsula and their implications for provenance. Marine Geology and Quaternary Geology, 35(3): 145-155. (in Chinese)

14.Liu H., Chen Z., Ge S., et al., 2015. Late Quaternary sedimentary record and paleoceanographic implications of the core on continental slope off the Prydz Bay, East Antarctic. Marine Geology and Quaternary Geology, 35(3): 209-217. (in Chinese)

15.Wang H., Chen Z., Wang C., et al., 2015. Characteristics of grain size in surface sediments from the continental shelf, Prydz Bay, and implications for sedimentary environment. Chinese Journal of Polar Research, 27(4):421-428. (in Chinese)

16.Zhang T., Wang R., Xiao W., Chen Z., Chen J., Cheng Z., Sun Y., 2015. Ice rafting history and paleoceanographic reconstructions of Core 08P23 from southern Chukchi Plateau, western Arctic Ocean since Marine Isotope Stage 3. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 34(3), 68-75.

17.Chen Z., Chen Y., Wang R., et al., 2014. Ice-rafted detritus events and paleoceanographic records in the Bering Basin since the Last Deglaciation. Chinese Journal of Polar Research, 26(1):17-28. (in Chinese). 

18.Wang C., Chen Z., Li C. et al., 2014. Distributions of surface sediments surrounding the Antarctic Peninsula and its environmental significance. Advances in Polar Science, 25(3): 164-174.

19.Chen J., Chen Z., Shi X., et al., 2014. Spatial characteristics of the surface sporopollen assemblage of Prydz Bay and analysis of its source. Chinese Journal of Polar Research, 26(1):151-158. (in Chinese)

20.Ge S., Chen Z., Liu J., et al., 2014. Dating sediment core by relative paleointensity and direction of geomagnetic field in Bransfield Strait, Antarctic Peninsula. Chinese Journal of Polar Research, 26(1):89-110. (in Chinese) 

21.Liu Z., Chen Z., Jin B., et al., 2014. Characteristics and provenance of clastic minerals in surface sediments in the waters northeast of the Antarctic Peninsula. Chinese Journal of Polar Research, 26(1):139-150. (in Chinese)

22.Wang B., Chen Z., Wang X., et al., 2014. The sedimentary hydrodynamic environment of the northwest Weddell Sea since MIS3. Chinese Journal of Polar Research, 26(1):139-150. (in Chinese)

23.Wang K., Liu Y., Dong L., Chen Z., et al., 2014. Characteristics of heavy minerals in the surface sediments of the Western Arctic Ocean. Chinese Journal of Polar Research, 26(1):139-150. (in Chinese)

24.Li N., Yan Q., Chen Z., Shi X., 2013. Geochemistry and petrogenesis of Quaternary volcanism from the islets in the eastern Beibu Gulf: evidence for Hainan plume. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 32(12): 40-49.

25.Ge S., Shi X., Huang Y., Chen Z., Liu J., Yan S., 2013. Geomagnetic intensity and direction for the last 14 ka recorded in the Bering Sea core. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 56(9): 3071-3084.

26.Ge S., Løvlie R., Shi X., Fang X., Chen Z., Wu Y., 2013. Relative paleointensity recorded in the core from Northwestern Philippine Sea over the last 125 ka and its influencing factors. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 56(1): 27-42.

27.Chen Z., Li C., Meng X., et al., 2011. Samarium-neodymium isotopic characteristics of the clay-size fraction in surface sediments from the western Arctic Ocean and their implications for sediment sources and transport pattern. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 33(2):96-102. (in Chinese).

28.Chen Z., R. Zhao, S. Ge, Y. Huang, Z. Tang, R. Tiedemann, 2017. Paleoenvironmental changes related to ice sheet and ice shelf developments in the Ross Sea since 15 kyr B.P. Past Antarctica Ice Sheet Dynamics (PAIS Conference 2017), Trieste (Italy), 10-15 September, 2017 (Poster).

29.Chen Z., M. Ju, S. Ge, Z. Tang, Y. Huang, R. Zhao, R. Tiedemann, L. Lembke-Jene, 2018. Retreats of ice sheet and ice shelf driven by warm water incursions in the Ross Sea since the Last Glacial Maximum. 27th International Polar Conference, Rostock (Germany), 25-29 March, 2018 (Oral).

30.Chen Z., M. Ju, S. Ge, Z. Tang, Y. Huang, R. Zhao, R. Tiedemann, L. Lembke-Jene, 2018. Sediment records of past ice sheet dynamics and ice-sea interactions in the Ross Sea. General Assembly 2018 of the European Geosciences Union, Vienna (Austria), 8-13 April 2018 (Poster). 

31.Chen Z., M. Ju, S. Ge, Z. Tang, Y. Huang, R. Zhao, R. Tiedemann, L. Lembke-Jene, 2018. Retreats of ice sheet/ice shelf driven by warm water incursions in the Ross Sea. POLAR2018 SCAR/IASC Open Science Conference, Davos (Switzerland), 19-23 June, 2018 (Oral).