Name: Lin Liu

Room 615
First Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources
No. 6 Xianxialing Road, Qingdao, P. R. China 266061


09/2001-07/2006: Ph.D. (Science), Meteorology, Ocean University of China, Qingdao,P. R. China
09/1997-07/2001: B.Sc. (Science), Meteorology, Ocean University of Qingdao, Qingdao,P. R. China

Working Experience
01/2018-present: Professor, The First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, China
11/2011-12/2017: Associate Professor, The First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, China
07/2006-11/2011: Research Assistant, The First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, China
01/2010-01/2011: Visiting scholar, Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique/CNRS, Université Paris 6, IPSL/France

Research Interests
 Monsoon circulation: The multi-scale variation from intra-seasonal to inter-decadal time scale and its remote influence.
 Air-sea interaction in the tropical region: ENSO and IOD, in-situ observation, modeling and model assessment.
 Ocean circulation dynamics

Research Projects
1. “Global Chang and Air-Sea Interaction” Project: Investigation of tropical South-East Indian Ocean. 
Period covered: 01/2016- 12/2019
2. APN project : The impact of global warming on ocean-atmosphere feedback strength at tropical Indian Ocean. 
Period covered: 01/2013- 12/2014
3. NSFC project: Tropical Intra-Seasonal Variability in Warming Climate. 
Period covered: 01/2014- 12/2017
4. NSFC project: Modulation of the Indian Ocean Dipole by the monsoon seasonal cycle.
Period covered: 01/2008- 12/2010

Lin Liu, Juan Li, Wei Tan, Yue Wu, Yanliang Liu, Huiwu Wang,The extreme sea level rising event off the northwest coast of South China Sea in 2012,2017, Journal of Ocean University of China, DOI: 10.1007/s11802-018-3681-9.
Lin Liu, Guang Yang, Xia Zhao, Lin Feng, Guoqing Han, Yue Wu, and Weidong Yu, 2017, Why Was the Indian Ocean Dipole Weak in the Context of the Extreme El Niño in
2015?, Journal of Climate, DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0281.1
于卫东; 方越; 刘琳; 王永刚; 周磊; 邱云; 杜岩;, 第二次国际印度洋科学考察计划(IIOE-2)介绍, 2017,海洋科学进展,35(1),1-7.

Liu L., B.C. Liu, et al. Assessment of the seasonal variation of simulated Wyrtki jet over the tropical Indian Ocean in CMIP5 models, 2016, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 9(16), 1-9; Doi: 10.1007/s12517-016-2704-3
Weichen Tao,Gang Huang, Kaiming Hu, Hainan Gong, Guanhuan Wen, Lin Liu, A study of biases in simulation of the Indian Ocean basin mode and its capacitor effect in CMIP3/CMIP5 models,2016, Climate Dynamics, 46(1),206-226
Duan,Y., Liu L. Et al. Anomalous behaviors of Wyrtki Jet in the equatorial Indian Ocean during 2013. Sci. Rep. 6, 29688; Doi: 10.1038/srep29688(2016)
韩国庆,刘琳,段永亮等,2013 年春季Wyrtki 急流变异及成因分析,海洋科学进展,2016,已接受
Liu L., et al., 2014, Indian Ocean variability in the CMIP5 multi-model ensemble: the zonal dipole mode. Climate Dyn., DOI: 10.1007/s00382-013-2000-9.
Xue, L., Wang, H., Jiang, L., Cai, W.-J., Wei, Q., Song, H., Kuswardani, R.T.D.,
Pranowo, W.S., Beck, B., Liu, L., Yu, W., 2016. Aragonite saturation state in a monsoonal upwelling system off Java,Indonesia. J. Mar. Sys., 153, 10-17.
Yang, G., W. Yu, Y. Yuan, X. Zhao, F. Wang, G. Chen, L. Liu, Y. Duan, Characteristics, vertical structures and heat/salt transports of mesoscale eddies in the Southeastern Tropical Indian Ocean, 2015, J. Geophys. Res.-Oceans,DOI:10.1002/2015JC011130.
Qu xia, Gang Huang, Kaiming Hu,Shang-ping xie,Yan Du,Xiaotong Zheng and Lin Liu, 2015, Equatorward shift of the South Asian high in response to anthropogenic forcing, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 119(1), 113-122.
Kaiming Hu, Gang Huang, Xiao-Tong Zheng, Shang-ping Xie, Xia Qu, Yan Du, and Lin Liu, 2014,Interdecadal variations in ENSO's influences on the Northwest Pacific and East Asia summertime climate simulated in the CMIP5 models, Journal of Climate, 27:5982-5998

Zheng, X.-T., S.-P. Xie, Y. Du, L. Liu, G. Huang, and Q.-Y. Liu, 2013: Indian Ocean Dipole response to global warming in the CMIP5 multi-model ensemble. J. Climate. 26,
6067-6080 (SCI)
Liu L., L. Feng, W. Yu, H. W. Wang, Y. L. Liu, and S. W. Sun, 2013: The distribution and variability of simulated chlorophyll concentration over the tropical Indian Ocean from five CMIP5 models. Journal of Ocean University of China, 12(2), 253-259.
(SCIE) Du,Y., S.-P. Xie, Y. Yang, X.-T. Zheng, L. Liu, G. Huang, 2013: Indian Ocean variability in the CMIP5 multi-model ensemble: The basin mode, J. Climate. 26,
7240-7266. (SCI)
Xin Wang, Chunzai Wang, Wen Zhou, Lin Liu, Dongxiao Wang, 2013: Remote influence of North Atlantic SST on the equatorial westerly wind anomalies in the western Pacific for initiating an El Niño event: an Atmospheric General Circulation Model Study.
Atmospheric Science Letters 14(2), 107-111.
苏博,刘琳,李奎平,高立宝,于卫东,印度洋赤道Kelvin 波对安达曼海东部近岸温跃层深度的影响,海洋科学进展,2013,31(3),343-350

Yu, W., J. Shi, L. Liu, K. Li, Y. Liu, and W. Wang, 2012: The onset of the monsoon over the Bay of Bengal: The observed common features for 2008–2011. Atmos. Oceanic
Sci. Lett. 5(4), 314-318.
Yu, W., K. Li, J. Shi, L. Liu, W. Wang and Y. Liu, 2012: The onset of the monsoon over the Bay of Bengal: The year-to-year variations for 2008–2011. Atmos. Oceanic Sci.
Lett. 5(4), 342-347
FENG Lin, LIU Lin*, GAO Libao and YU Weidong. Vertical structure of low-level
atmosphere over the southeast Indian Ocean fronts. ADVANCES IN POLAR SCIENCE,
2012, 23: 169-175.
LIU Lin, : The ISO Events in the Winter of 2007, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 2012,2012, VOL. 5, NO. 2, 1−5.

Lin Liu, Weidong Yu, Tim Li. (2011) Dynamic and Thermodynamic Air–Sea Coupling Associated with the Indian Ocean Dipole Diagnosed from 23 WCRP CMIP3 Models. Journal of Climate 24:18, 4941-4958 (SCI)

马艳,陈尚,刘琳;2005 年7 月北极地区大气环流特征的数值研究;海洋学报;

孙振宇刘琳于卫东基于Argo 浮标的热带印度洋混合层深度季节变化研究,
刘琳于卫东. 热带印度洋降水的年际变化特征分析, 中国海洋大学学报,
2007, 37(1),15-21

刘琳于卫东. 热带印度洋偶极子事件和副热带印度洋偶极子事件的联系海洋
科学进展2006 Vol.24 No.3 301-306
刘琳于卫东刘玉国. 印度洋dipole 事件的年际变化与ENSO 事件的联系湛江
海洋大学学报2006 Vol.26 No.3 ,50-55
Liu, Lin; Yu WeiDong , Analysis of the characteristic time scale during ENSO.
刘琳于卫东. ENSO 循环之中的海气相互响应--对次表层海温和大气旋度的资
料分析, 地球物理学报,2006, 49(1):45-51
巢纪平; 巢清尘; 刘琳; The ENSO Events in the Tropical Pacific and Dipole Events in the Indian Ocean 2006 20(2)223-231

Weidong Yu, Baoqiang Xiang, Lin Liu, Understanding the origins of interannual thermocline variations in the tropical Indian Ocean , GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 32,, doi:10.1029/2005GL024327, 2005 (SCI)
巢纪平巢清尘刘琳, 2005, 热带太平洋ENSO 事件和印度洋的DIPOLE 事件
气象学报第63 卷第5 期594-602
巢纪平,刘琳,于卫东,2005,热带海洋和大气中地形Rossby 波和Rossby 波的耦合不稳定性,中国科学,35(1),79-87。
Chao Jiping , Liu Lin, Yu Weidong, The coupling instability of Rossby and topographic Rossby waves in the equatorial area ,Science in China Series D-Earth Science, 2005, 48(10) : 1792-1801 (SCI)

Liu Na, Liu lin, et al, Climate anomalies in the southern high latitudes associated with the subtropical Dipole Mode. Chinese Journal of Polar Science, Vol, No.2, 143-148,December 2004