The Seminar about the Annual Progress of the National Key Research & Development Program......

The Seminar about the Annual Progress of the National Key Research & Development Program—“The Applicability of China’s Self-Dependent Marine Environment Security Assurance Technologies in Countries along the Maritime Silk Road” Is Held in Qingdao 

— Promoting China’s self-dependent marine environment security assurance technologies in countries along the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road

On April 18, 2018, led by the First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration (the FIO for short), the ten organizations including the State Oceanic Administration, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Ministry of Education joined hands to undertake the national key research & development program on “marine environment safety and security”—“The Applicability of China’s Self-Dependent Marine Environment Security Assurance Technologies in Countries along the Maritime Silk Road”, and held the 2017 annual progress seminar in Qingdao. Wei Zexun, Deputy Director of the FIO, presided over the seminar, and Li Tiegang, Researcher and Director of the project, Zhang Jie, Researcher and Leader of the general panel for the marine environment security assurance, Professor Lian Lian, the project expert, Hou Yiyun, Researcher and Consultant Expert of the project, Zhang Hongliang (senior engineer), and Professor Li Ming attended the seminar.

The project focuses on the demands of marine environment security assurance during the construction of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and carries forward the applicability study of China’s maritime observation/supervision, marine forecasts, marine disaster emergency monitor and disposal techniques in countries along the Silk Road. It has pushed forward the promotion of the achievements of the self-dependent marine environment security assurance in related countries and shaped the serviceability of sharing observation data by setting up five technical test sites. Construction period is from July 2017 to December 2020.

On the Seminar, the project team gave an overall introduction to the status, and the subject directors reported the annual progress of the tasks. The project experts and consultant experts affirmed the achievements in the recent year and provided specific advice. Regarding the following mission, they hope that we could explore the essence of marine environment security assurance techniques, display the project advantages and results in richer forms, give full play to the international cooperation characteristics, and try to provide overseas services in a fast way.


The project has gone well in 2017. For the construction of the observation/supervision system, it has cooperated with Thailand and Malaysia in building Andaman Sea-Thailand Gulf stereoscopic monitoring system framework, carried out sectional and fixed-point hydrology and meteorology observation in key sea areas and related coasts. In addition, we also joined hands with Maldives to research the ocean dynamic environment in key parts of the Equatorial Indian Ocean. In terms of forecast, we have built the wave-circulation coupling numerical ocean model which will provide forecast products about the marine environment of the Western Indian Ocean, and carried out numerical modeling on Tianhe-2. As for the construction of the international cooperation platform for countries along the Maritime Silk Road, we have co-hosted “The 4th China-Malaysia Marine Cooperation Seminar” and “The 5th China-Southeast Asian Countries Marine Cooperation Forum” to deepen China’s marine cooperation with Malaysia, Thailand, and other Southeast Asian countries. We have completed the general design of the service system for sharing the joint-observation marine data. For talent training, we have opened the course of Marine Data Processing and the workshop of the coupled mode of regional marine atmosphere, and provided professional training for several scientists, engineers, and managers of Sri Lanka. For the project management, we have drafted Measures for Data Information Submission and Sharing (Consultation Paper) and Measures for Quality Management (Consultation Paper).
Li Tiegang, Researcher and Director of the project, organized the second promotion coordination meeting. After discussion, the representatives present the meeting clarified the project process in 2018 and the project highlights, modified the measures for data information submission and sharing and quality management, and displayed the website effect of the project and the designing scheme of the WeChat official account platform. All this above-stated work has provided a guarantee for the stable promotion and implementation of the project. At last, Researcher Li Tiegang, made the summary of the seminar and required all team members to focus on the project innovation and highlighted achievements, enrich the essence of the project research, enhance project and task management, stably carry out the research tasks by adhering to the Mission Book, and highlight the promotion of the landmark progresses and achievements.