FIO and Intel team up to deepen cooperation on parallel computing

On the afternoon of June 28, 2018, the First Institute of Oceanography, SOA (FIO) officially launched its Intel® Parallel Computing Center in Qingdao. The participants of the launching ceremony include Greg Anderson, the worldwide director of Intel Developer and Product Group, Victor Lee, the principal engineer of Intel, Guo Xuenuan, the IPCC project manager of Intel, Wang Zhe, the director of application software engineering high performance computing of Intel China, Lv Haifeng, the industry manager of high performance computing of Intel China, Dr. Li Tiegang, the director general of FIO, Liu Haixing, the director of High Performance Computing Center, Zheng Wei, the deputy director of International Affairs Department, Song Zhenya, the co-chief scientist of the project and Huang Xiaomeng from Tsinghua University.

Intel® Parallel Computing Center can date back to 2013 since which time it has been committed to code modernization, using advanced scientific calculation and computational simulation to accelerate scientific research, and promote industrial development and breakthrough. In a global context, there are totally 89 organizations from 17 countries having been supported by Intel® Parallel Computing Center in 18 fields, including physical chemistry, molecular dynamics, computational chemistry, quantum chemistry, astronomy, geography, climate, environment, energy, life science, bioinformatics, data analysis, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. In China, there are totally 5 organizations (FIO, Computer Network Information Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences, School of Life Sciences of Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, and Nanjing University) having obtained the support. FIO is China's first marine organization that has received Intel® PCC support. The chief scientists of the project include Qiao Fangli, the researcher of FIO, Song Zhenya, the researcher of FIO, and Huang Xiaomeng, the associate professor of Tsinghua University. The project is designed to optimize the computational performance and simulating capability of MASNUM wave model independently developed by FIO.

The earth system science represented by air-sea numerical simulation is one of the major application fields for high performance computing. It is fair to say that the development of marine science cannot be separated from high performance computing. Numerical simulation is developing towards the direction of higher resolution ratio, more physical processes and faster computation, during which process the support of high performance computation is indispensable. In terms of marine numerical simulation, FIO's fine tradition can be traced back to 1980s when the wave model under its own proprietary intellectual property rights was developed, and now becomes one of the 4 world-leading wave models. In recent years, FIO has developed a global and regional wave-tide-surge coupled model that has been operated in China's multiple business-oriented departments, and put into operational application in Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Besides, FIO has developed FIO-ESM, the first earth system model with wave included, and participated in the fifth program of comparison among coupled models, making itself China's first marine organization involving in this work. FIO has also developed an atmoshpere-wave-ocean circulation coupled model for typhoon, having addressed the problems facing current typhoon intensity forecasting to a large extent.

In recent years, FIO has carried out extensive cooperation with Intel. Intel has provided FIO with strong support in respect of numerical model optimization and talent training. The Intel® PCC support provided for FIO this time will strengthen the in-depth integration of China's independently-developed models and the advanced high performance computing technology, driving forward China's numerical simulation technology.