Our Team on the Ninth Arctic Expedition Triumphed

China's ninth arctic science expedition concluded its 69-day expedition on Sep 26, 2018 with a triumphant return. Wei Zexun, deputy director of our institute, participated in this scientific research as the chief scientist, and members of our institute, including Chen Hongxia, Liu Jie, Lin Lina, Li Qian and Shen Hong, also participated in this scientific research. Director Li Tiegang, deputy director Wang Zongling and other relevant personnel of our institute went to the airport to welcome the members of our scientific research team, shook hands with them one by one, congratulated them on their achievements, and expressed sincere gratitude to the team members for their hard work. 
It is reported that five scientific research results were achieved in this voyage: First, they have conducted the investigation combined with operational monitoring and research project investigation for the first time. Second, unmanned autonomous observation equipment such as "unmanned ice station", underwater glider and climbing marine profile buoy China developed independently were deployed for the first time. Third, the expedition is in line with international polar research and research programs such as the international arctic drifting ice station program and the international polar forecast year. Fourth, the multi-beam measurement has a total voyage of 4,100 km. Fifth, it will bring the exploration of hot marine environmental issues such as arctic ocean acidification, microplastics and artificial radionuclides into the scope of operational monitoring, and for the first time combine isotope technology to study the transfer law of microplastics in different nutrient levels. 
These surveys have accumulated valuable observation data for new environmental issues such as a systematic understanding of the marine environment and ecological characteristics of the arctic ocean, as well as for multi-scale sea-ice-gas-interaction and weather and climate effects, evaluation of the navigability of the central waterway, exploration of the ocean acidification, microplastics and artificial nuclide distribution in the arctic oceanthus, further solidifying the foundation for operational arctic monitoring, and made positive contributions to China's arctic scientific research, construction of operational monitoring system, arctic environmental evaluation and resource utilization.