2018 China-Korea Symposium on Marine Energy held in Zhoushan

2018 China-Korea Symposium on Marine Energy was successfully held in Zhejiang University (Zhoushan) on October 22. The symposium was co-hosted by the First Institute of Oceanography (FIO) of Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology (KIOST), Ocean Energy Committee of China Renewable Energy Society, Ocean College of Zhejiang University, Ocean Academy of Zhejiang University, and sponsored by China-Korea Joint Ocean Research Center (CKJORC). Experts and scholars from research institutions and representatives from companies in China and Korea gathered together to exchange academic research achievements and technology application experiences, and to discuss new trends and cooperation modes of ocean energy development in the future.

The symposium was hosted by Liu Weimin, research professor of FIO MNR, and Kwang-Soo Lee, research scientist of KIOST. The speakers on behalf of the hosts include: Wang Lizhong, a member of the Standing CPC Committee of Zhejiang University and Dean of Ocean College of Zhejiang University, Li Wei, vice president of Ocean Academy of Zhejiang University and chairman of Ocean Energy Committee of China Renewable Energy Society, Wu Rongmin, director of CKJORC, and Kwang-Soo Lee. Zhang Haisheng, president of Ocean Academy of Zhejiang University, expressed his congratulations on the convening of the symposium.
Wang Lizhong extended a warm welcome to the participating experts in his speech, and introduced the history of Zhejiang University and its progress in marine science, marine technology, discipline construction on marine information, scientific research, and talents cultivation. He said that the research on ocean energy technology and related equipment is of great significance. He hopes that the participating experts would fully exchange and discuss the frontier research and engineering application achievements in such field to promote the development and upgrading of the ocean energy technology and equipment industry in China, especially in Zhoushan Archipelago New Area.

Wang Lizhong, Dean of Ocean College of Zhejiang University, delivers a speech

Li Wei, Chairman of Ocean Energy Committee of China Renewable Energy Society, delivers a speech

Wu Rongmin, director of CKJORC, delivers a speech

Liu Weimin, research professor of FIO MNR, delivers a speech

During the symposium, Li Wei, vice president of Ocean Academy of Zhejiang University, Liu Weimin, research professor of FIO MNR, Kwang-Soo Lee, research scientist of KIOST, and Hong Keyyong, research scientist at Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering (KRISO) made presentations on the theme of "Marine Energy Technology, Resources, Policies, and Standards". The delegates also visited the electricity-generating platforms using ocean current energy in Zhairuoshan Marine Technology Demonstration Island of Zhejiang University and large-scale laboratory facilities in Zhoushan.

Kwang-Soo Lee, research scientist of KIOST, delivers a report  

The successful holding of the symposium has provided a platform for academic exchanges and cooperation between Chinese and Korean researchers, promoted the marine energy research and application of achievements, promoted the upgrading of marine energy technology in Asia and the world, and provided valuable experience for the next step of scientific and technological cooperation between China and Korea in ocean energy.