The Indonesian delegation visits FIO and promotes intensive China-Indonesia maritime cooperation

On November 14, Harlianto Tarmizi, Second Secretary of Legal Affairs and International Treaties of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, and his delegation visited FIO. Qiao Fangli, Secretary of the CPC Committee of FIO, and representatives of relevant FIO departments received the delegation and held discussions and exchanges.
The two sides reviewed the history and progress of China-Indonesia cooperation in the maritime field. Since 2006, the two sides have launched two joint projects of observation and research, namely "Java Upwelling Variations Observation (JUVO)" and "South China Sea and Indonesian Seas Transport & Exchange (SITE)", marking the beginning of the cooperation between the two sides. Indonesia-China Center for Ocean and Climate (ICCOC) was jointly established by the two sides in Jakarta in May 2010. In March 2012, witnessed by the presidents of the two countries, the two sides signed a document to operate and develop ICCOC as a national platform for cooperation. Since then, the Indonesia-China Joint Observation Station (Padang) has been established and put into operation and multiple regional and bilateral cooperation projects have been carried out, including Monsoon Onset Monitoring and its Social and Ecosystem Impact (MOMSEI) in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean, Responses of Marine Hazards to Climate Change (ROSE) in the Western Pacific, Ocean Forecasting System (OFS) for Indonesian seas and its application, and the technical research on marine biodiversity, which have yielded fruitful results. 
The two sides discussed the ongoing declaration of "Indo-Pacific Marine Environment Observation and Early Warning of Disasters" of the China-Indonesia Maritime Cooperation Fund Project and the relevant issues of joint scientific observation of the Indonesian Sea and the adjacent Indian Ocean implemented in 2018. The two sides said they will continue to support the development of the ICCOC, and further expand the areas of maritime cooperation. 


Group Photo of Attendees