Mobilization meeting of China's 35th Antarctic Expedition held by FIO

On the morning of November 16, the mobilization meeting of the First Institute of Oceanography of Ministry of Natural Resources (FIO, MNR) participating in the 35th Antarctic Expedition was held by FIO, taking "Supporting Antarctic Expedition, Journey Setting Off Again" as a slogan. Team members participating in the 35th Antarctic Expedition of FIO attended the meeting.


At the meeting, representatives from each discipline introduced the implementation plan of the expedition and fully discussed the problems to be faced by the expedition. Xu Xingyong, Director of the Science and Technology Branch, conveyed the relevant instructions of the leaders of FIO, and made arrangements and requirements for the main tasks, precautions, and safety assurance of this expedition. He stressed that this is the first Antarctic expedition organized by the Ministry of Natural Resources after foundation with so many subjects and heavy tasks. He expressed the hope that under the unified leadership of Chinese Arctic and Antarctic Administration and Polar Research Institute of China, all disciplines can cooperate sincerely to carry forward the spirit of Antarctica and contribute to the Antarctic cause of China, in accordance with the requirements of the leader and chief scientists of the expedition. In particular, Dr. Cui Yingchun and Dr. Liu Chenguang, who will set off to the China-Germany Terrestrial Geological Survey of North Victoria Land, should cherish this opportunity of cooperation with Germany, fully learn from the advanced experience of the Polar Great Power, and realize the goal of polar development of FIO, so as to provide strong support for the full deployment of MNR's joint surveys of land and sea in the polar region.
According to Cui Yingchun, the geological and geophysical expeditions in North Victoria Land will be carried out with the help of the German and Italian aviation networks. This is another important international joint polar terrestrial geological survey following the China-Australia North Charles Mountains expedition and the China-Chile Antarctic Peninsula expedition. The survey results will be helpful to understand the geological evolution process of the Ross Orogenic Belt, and deepen the understanding of the convergence and breakup process of the Gondwana and its associated geological effects. It will also evaluate the seaward extension of the continental geological structure, assist the Xue Long Polar Research Project, and provide effective support for the Antarctic land-sea-air joint survey.