Statement on Casualties of FIO Scientists in Sri Lanka Terrorist Attack

With the deepest sorrow, the First Institute of Oceanography (FIO) of the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) of China announces that two FIO scientists namely Dr. LI Dawei and Mr. WANG Liwei were unfortunately killed in the terrorist attacks in Colombo, Sri Lanka on April 21, 2019, while Dr. DUAN Yongliang was injured during the attacks. All the three scientist arrived Colombo on April 19 and were preparing to undertake a comprehensive survey of the eastern Indian Ocean under the auspices of the South China Sea Institute of Oceanology (SCSIO), Chinese Academy of Science (CAS). 

The MNR initiated rescue procedures as soon as possible after the incident. Under the overall guidance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, a joint emergency response working group was established by MNR and CAS with responsibility for actively carrying out rescue and other relevant measures, and to keep the families and departments involved updated, with the support of the governments of Guangdong Province, Shandong Province and Qingdao City. 

On April 25 and 26 (Beijing time), FIO dispatched several members of the joint working group to accompany families of the three scientists to Sri Lanka. With the assistance of the Chinese Embassy and the Government of Sri Lanka, the joint working group has made every possible effort to locate Dr. LI Dawei and Mr. WANG, who were announced missing after the attacks, and ensure that the injured scientist receive excellent medical attention. The injured scientist is now in a stable condition and has returned China for rehabilitation, escorted by a special team and medical personnel. Next, FIO will spare no efforts in dealing with funeral arrangements for the deceased scientists, and in providing psychological counseling to the injured and victims' relatives under the professional medical guidance.