The scientist injured in the Sri Lanka bomb attack returns to Qingdao and is welcomed by FIO leaders

On the afternoon of May 21st, 2019, Duan Yongliang, an employee of FIO who was injured in the bomb attack in Sri Lanka, returned to Qingdao for further treatment. Director Li Tiegang, party secretary Qiao Fangli, deputy director Wei Zexun of FIO and relevant department leaders went to the airport to welcome and accompany him to hospital.
The leaders inquired about the details of the physical condition and treatment of Duan Yongliang, told him to set his mind at the treatment, take a good rest, keep optimistic, do his best for early recovery and said that they will try their best to address difficulties for him.
The Ministry of Natural Resources initiated rescue procedures as soon as possible after the incident on April 21. Under the overall guidance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, FIO also initiated rescue procedures immediately, with the support of the CPC committees and people's governments of Guangdong Province, Shandong Province and Qingdao City. On April 25 and 26, FIO representatives were assigned to accompany the family members of the injured to Sri Lanka, and to actively carry out rehabilitation and treatment. Duan Yongliang returned to China with the accompany of a special team and medical workers in April 28. He is in good condition now, and will undergo further rehabilitation after his return to Qingdao.