South Korean delegation from marine pollution expert group of UNEP's YSLME Phase II Project visited FIO

On October 30, 2019, Wu Zailong and other eight members of the South Korean delegation from the marine pollution expert group of the Second Phase of the Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem Project (YSLME Phase II) of the United Nations Development Programme (UNEP) visited the First Institute of Oceanography (FIO). Li Tiegang, Director of FIO, received the delegation and proposed on further strengthening the marine science and technology cooperation between China and South Korea. 

Li Tiegang said that over the past 20 years, China and South Korea have carried out practical cooperation in disciplines including physical oceanography, marine ecology, and marine geology, achieved fruitful results, and established a profound friendship. The ocean is a typical open, complex and large system. It is hoped that in the future, both sides will strengthen the interdisciplinary and integrated cooperation and research in the marine field from a systematic and scientific perspective. He suggested that, on the basis of existing cooperation, the two sides should make full use of their respective resources and advantages to deepen scientific and technological cooperation in the oceans, polar regions, and other broader fields, jointly and scientifically respond to major marine disasters, and improve the capacity of disaster reduction and prevention in the marine field. Dr. Wu Zailong highly agreed with Li Tiegang's comments and suggestions on marine science and technology cooperation and future cooperation between China and South Korea. He said that China and South Korea have been cooperating for many years and it is hoped to use the cooperation platform of YSLME to carry out closer cooperation in multiple disciplines in the marine field.

The South Korean delegation also visited the lab of Marine Ecology Research Center, China Ocean Sample Repository and the China-Korea Joint Ocean Research Center (CKJORC), and held discussions with experts in the field of marine environmental pollution detection, microplastics, and marine waste research, exchanging and discussing scientific issues of common concern.
Nine marine experts and staff from the Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST), Korea Marine Environment Management Corporation (KOEM), Korea Maritime Institute (KMI), National Institute of Fisheries Science (NIFS), and the YSLME Office, participated in the activity together with relevant department heads and experts of FIO's Division of International Cooperation, China-Korea Joint Ocean Research Center (CKJORC), Marine Ecology Research Center, and China Ocean Sample Repository. 

Exchange at the sympoisum

Group photo