Young researchers from FIO's Lab of Marine Geology and Geophysics participate in KCC's

At the invitation of Kochi University, Dr. Shan Xin, Dr. Dong Jiang, and graduate student Zhang Yuying from Lab of Marine Geology and Geophysics of the First Institute of Oceanography (FIO) went to Kochi Core Center (KCC) in Japan for the "Training Program on Core Processing for Young Asian Scientists" which lasts from November 12 to November 21, 2019. The training program provided systematical training on core surface treatment, core description, X-ray CT scanning, multi-parameter core scanner, microscopic identification of abyssal sediment samples, thermal conductivity and porosity test calculation, paleomagnetic test, and foraminiferal oxygen isotope test, and provided the core obtained from the Sea of Japan and Tosa Basin for field description and test. This training program not only improved the core processing technology of three researchers of FIO, but also laid a foundation for further cooperation between FIO and KCC in the future. 

KCC is one of the three core libraries of the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) in the world. Its most important responsibility is to support the related scientific research activities of IODP. In addition to FIO, researchers from the Korean Polar Research Institute (KPRI), Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST), Chungnam National University, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM) and the College of Ocean Science and Resource of National Taiwan Ocean University also participated in this training.