FIO Researcher Qiao Fangli Invited to Be Editor-in-chief of Ocean Modelling

Recently, at the invitation of Elsevier, the world's largest publisher of academic journals, researcher Qiao Fangli from the First Institute of Oceanography of the Ministry of Natural Resources (FIO, MNR) becomes the Editor-in-chief of Ocean Modelling, which is an advanced academic journal in the marine field with an impact factor of 3.2.

Just similar to the chips in the electronics industry, ocean models are the core of marine environmental prediction. These models can be used to predict the future and restore the state of the ocean in the past. They can also be used to carry out scientific experiments under different conditions, deepen people's understanding of marine science, and directly serve the comprehensive management of the ocean.

Ocean models can show a country's marine scientific and technological strength. With the continuous strengthening of the construction of a maritime power and the deepening of the concept of maritime community with a shared future, the time is ripe for China to develop an internationally leading independent ocean model. Predicting the ocean is one of the seven goals of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030). Researcher Qiao Fangli, as the Editor-in-chief of Ocean Modelling, can make full use of this new platform to gather international forces, so as to serve China's cause of building the country into a maritime power and the common needs of human beings for accurate ocean prediction.

Qiao Fangli's research team has been focusing on the practical application of ocean models in major marine events at home and abroad: In 2006, an oil spill event happened in the Bohai Sea, which received great concern from the State Council. Qiao served as the head of the expert team of the front-line command, and used traceability and prediction techniques to accurately and quickly locate the vessel responsible. In 2008, the moss in the Yellow Sea affected the Olympic sailing competition. Qiao served as the deputy head of the inter-ministerial joint expert team, and used the numerical model to predict the origin of the moss on the same day. Just the same as his prediction, the moss was proved to come from the sea off Jiangsu by a large number of studies for more than 10 years afterward. In 2011, when the Fukushima nuclear disaster happened in Japan, Qiao led his research team to publish the world's first scientific paper about this nuclear accident, predicting the transmission path of nuclear leakage materials in the ocean and air for the next few months to decades, which was continuously confirmed by subsequent actual observations. After the Sanchi oil tanker collision in the East China Sea in early 2018, the impact of the oil spill was rapidly predicted by Qiao's research team, which was reported by the top international journal Nature and confirmed by subsequent Japanese observations. In the capsized boat accident in Phuket, Thailand in summer 2018, Qiao and his team accurately predicted the search and rescue scope and reduced it to 10% of the original scope, which was adopted by the Thai government and confirmed by subsequent rescues. The Thai government specially sent a letter of thanks to the Chinese government. Recently, the Japanese government has decided to discharge millions of tons of nuclear wastewater from Fukushima into the Pacific Ocean, and Qiao's research team, at the invitation of international academic journals, has written an article to predict the impact range of nuclear wastewater.

Academic Background of Qiao Fangli
Born in 1966, Qiao Fangli is an academician of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences and one of the first Grade-II researchers of the First Institute of Oceanography of the Ministry of Natural Resources (FIO, MNR). He is the only representative of China in the Executive Planning Group of United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, and has participated in leading this large-scale global ocean science revolution. He has received the title of "Leading Global Expert on Oceans" by the United Nations and serves as the Chairman of the Chinese Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research. He has published more than 300 scientific papers, including more than 200 SCI papers, which have been cited more than 5,000 times by scholars from more than 70 countries. He has won three international science and technology awards that no Chinese has won before, and seven provincial and ministerial special and first prizes, ranking first in all these prizes. He has mainly made the following scientific and technological contributions. Firstly, he discovered the core role of waves in the global ocean and climate system, and put forward the wave-induced mixing theory as the first person in the world, which has been widely applied in more than 10 countries in Europe and America, all of which have significantly reduced prediction errors. The theory was specially introduced by academicians of the United States National Academy of Sciences. Secondly, he broke through the ocean coupling and efficient parallel disruptive technology and established the world's first coupled wave-tide-current model, which reduced the prediction error by 86% and led the world in prediction accuracy. Thirdly, it created the world's first coupled wave-tide-current ocean prediction system, which was invited by international organizations to be released to the public. The new typhoon and climate models he has developed have greatly improved the accuracy of typhoon and climate forecasting and advanced the development of adjacent disciplines.