Successful Webinars Organized by DCC-OCC and ELSEVIER

On July 12 and July 15, the United Nations Decade Collaborative Center on Ocean-Climate Nexus and Coordination Amongst Decade Implementing Partners in P.R. China (DCC-OCC) and ELSEVIER successfully organized two webinars, which is the first collaborative activity since the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the two parties on July 8.

The webinar was based on the “Training Course on Ocean Models and Ecosystem Models” and “CLIVAR-FIO Earth Model Training Course” organized by DCC-OCC and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO/IOC) Regional Training and Research Center on Ocean Dynamics and Climate (ODC Center). The lectures of the invited experts were broadcast live by Elsevier in several media platforms. The training invited 19 senior experts in the field of global climate to conduct a two-week offline lecture series for 44 young scholars from 23 countries.

On July 12, the first webinar was successfully organized which consisted of two presentations entitled “Ocean Science and Sustainability” by Dr. Vladimir Ryabinin, former Executive Secretary of the IOC and Assistant Director-General of UNESCO, and “Scientific Paper Writing” by Dr. Sun Chengjun, researcher of the First Institute of Oceanography (FIO) of the Ministry of Natural Resources of China. Dr. Vladimir introduced the history of the World Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the UN processes related to the oceans, including the origins, implementation and future development of the UN Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030), which will be officially launched in 2021, with a special reference to the scientific and technological contributions made by FIO in the field of model development, and the major scientific and technological mission of DCC-OCC. Dr. SUN Chengjun gave a comprehensive explanation of the essentials of scientific paper writing, from language expression to title, abstract and article structure, as well as the submission process, which benefited the trainees and the online audience greatly.

Online presentation by Dr. Vladimir Ryabinin

Presentation by researcher SUN Chengjun

On July 15, the second webinar was successfully organized which consisted of two presentations entitled “The role of ocean biogeochemistry in climate” by Prof. Peter Strutton of the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) at the University of Tasmania and “Overarching scientific issues in ESM models: Surface wave shed light on climate prediction” by research QIAO Fangli of FIO. Prof. Peter Strutton illustrated how past and future changes in the biological pump will have an impact on climate, explaining the importance of understanding and modeling biogeochemistry in the climate system. Researcher QIAO Fangli, taking the challenges faced by climate and ocean models as an entry point, gave an in-depth explanation of the key roles of ocean turbulence, air-sea momentum fluxes, droplets from wave breaking, and seafloor heat fluxes in addressing these challenges, and introduced the important contribution of the theory of non-breaking wave-induced mixing (Bv Theory) to drastically reduce the bias of climate model predictions.

Presentation by Research QIAO Fangli

Presentation by Prof. Peter Strutton

In addition to the course participants, more than 13,000 online audiences attended the webinar. After the presentations by the experts, the participants and the online audience actively asked questions, and the seminar was successfully concluded in a warm and peaceful atmosphere.

On July 8, 2024, DCC-OCC and Elsevier signed a MoU in Qingdao, China, to carry out in-depth cooperation in the areas of scientific and technological breakthroughs in ocean and climate research, global scientific research training and popularization of science education, and the development of scientific and technological journals on oceans and climate. In order to strengthen and implement the cooperation plan, the two sides will build an international cooperation platform for ocean and climate research based on their respective strengths, facilitate the rapid publication and wide dissemination of research results, jointly carry out training programs for young scientists, and focus on raising public awareness of ocean and climate issues, making complex scientific information more accessible to the general public through a variety of forms.