





International Cooperation

News & Announcement

FIO-POI Joint Research Center of Ocean and Climate

Over the past 20 years, both Chinese and Russian governments have actively promoted cooperation in the field of science and technology. The First Institute of Oceanography (hereinafter referred to as the FIO), Ministry of Natural Resources, China and the V.I.Il'ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute (hereinafter referred to as the POI), Far Eastern Branch (FEB), Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) have conducted effective and pragmatic cooperation in the field of marine geology and have achieved fruitful outcomes in reciprocal visits, joint investigations, cooperative research and academic exchanges.
In order to establish a long-term mechanism for cooperation between China and Russia in the field of marine science, the "FIO-POI Joint Research Center of Ocean and Climate" (hereinafter referred to as the JRC) was established in Vladivostok, a coastal city of Russian on 21st September, 2017. The establishment of the JRC is helpful to promote the development of marine and climate science in China and Russia, to expand the field of cooperative research, to deepen the pragmatic cooperation between two sides, to enhance effectiveness of cooperation, to protect the marine environment, to improve the exploration, development and utilization of marine resources. JRC is located in Vladivostok, Russia, in the area of POI and is operated jointly by FIO and POI.

Research priorities of the JRC:
● Role of ocean in climate and global change;
● Research and monitor of marine environment and prediction of natural disaster;
● Research and evaluation on environmental impact for related activities about the utilization of oceanic resource;
● Study and protection of marine biodiversity;
● Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology;
● Submarine mineral resources exploration;
● Arctic and Antarctic research;
● Basic and applied oceanography;
● Development and application of new marine technology and instrument;
● Marine policy and law issues;
● Other cooperation fields agreed by both parties.
First Institute of Oceanography,  Ministry of Natural Resources